
Towards the safe deployment of runtime monitors in mode-change supported Cyber-Physical Systems
Ref: CISTER-TR-210608       Publication Date: 28 to 29, Jun, 2021

Towards the safe deployment of runtime monitors in mode-change supported Cyber-Physical Systems

Ref: CISTER-TR-210608       Publication Date: 28 to 29, Jun, 2021

Complex safety-critical Cyber-Physical Systems require modern approaches that can provide evidence of their correct functioning. Among the many state-of-the-art approaches is runtime verification, which constantly verifies if a system's behavior complies with its specification. However, the coupling of monitors causes an inevitable overhead that could compromise the system's safety. We present the concept of a framework capable of analyzing the schedulability of a set of mode-change supporting Cyber-Physical Systems in the presence of coupled runtime monitors.

Giann Nandi
David Pereira
José Proença
Eduardo Tovar

4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 21), Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Porto, Portugal.

Record Date: 15, Jun, 2021