
Extending T-Res with mobility for context-aware IoT
Ref: CISTER-TR-160205       Publication Date: 4 to 8, Apr, 2016

Extending T-Res with mobility for context-aware IoT

Ref: CISTER-TR-160205       Publication Date: 4 to 8, Apr, 2016

In this paper, we develop a framework for building context-aware applications in IoT. The IoT paradigm brings in various new issues such as macroprogramming, interoperability for heterogeneous devices and in-network processing. Solutions to these issues can enable IoT to support all available resources in an efficient manner and also enable ease of access for users. In addition, this can help in collecting useful information about the user and the system, such as context. Understanding context of different entities and taking actions accordingly will enable a context-aware IoT. However, no complete solution is available to this issue of achieving context-awareness in IoT. In this paper, as a step towards a context-aware framework, we present a mobilityenabling extension of the T-Res programming abstraction. We implement a web-based framework for users to write contextaware applications. We then describe and implement an automated mechanism for deploying these applications.

Shashank Gaur
Raghu R.
Eduardo Tovar

1st IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2016), I4T Workshop.
Berlin, Germany.

Record Date: 8, Feb, 2016