
Optimising Maintenance: What are the expectations for Cyber Physical Systems
Ref: CISTER-TR-160605       Publication Date: 11, Apr, 2016

Optimising Maintenance: What are the expectations for Cyber Physical Systems

Ref: CISTER-TR-160605       Publication Date: 11, Apr, 2016

The need for maintenance is based on the wear of components of machinery. If this need can be defined reliably beforehand so that no unpredicted failures take place then the maintenance actions can be carried out economically with minimum disturbance to production. There are two basic challenges in solving the above. First understanding the development of wear and failures, and second managing the measurement and diagnosis of such parameters that can reveal the development of wear. In principle the development of wear and failures can be predicted through monitoring time, load or wear as such. Monitoring time is not very efficient, as there are only limited numbers of components that suffer from aging which as such is result of chemical wear i.e. changes in the material. In most cases the loading of components influences their wear. In principle the loading can be stable or varying in nature. Of these two cases the varying load case is much more challenging than the stable one.
The monitoring of wear can be done either directly e.g. optical methods or indirectly e.g. vibration. Monitoring actual wear is naturally the most reliable approach, but it often means that additional investments are needed. The paper discusses the above issues and what are the requirements that follow from these for optimising maintenance based of the use of Cyber Physical Systems.

Erkki Jantunen
Urko Zurutuza
Luis Lino Ferreira
Pal Varga

Cyber Physical Systems Week 2016 (CPS Week 2016 Vienna), 3rd International IFIP Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC’16),.
Vienna, Austria.

Notes: The 3rd International IFIP Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC’ 16) was held as part of CPS Week 2016 that took place in Vienna, Austria on April 11-14, 2016.

Record Date: 21, Jun, 2016