Ada-Europe 2012
17th International Conference on Reliable Software TechnologiesStockholm, Sweden

Sponsors: Ada Europe

Deadline: 28, Nov, 2011
The conference has successfully established itself as an international forum for providers, practitioners and researchers into reliable software technologies. The conference presentations will illustrate current work in the theory and practice of the design, development and maintenance of long-lived, high-quality software systems for a variety of application domains. The program will allow ample time for keynotes, Q&A sessions, panel discussions and social events. Participants will include practitioners and researchers representing industry, academia and government organizations active in the promotion and development of reliable software technologies.
To mark the completion of the technical work for the Ada 2012 standard revision process, contributions that discuss the potential of the revised language are sought after. In parallel, facing the challenges presented to the development of reliable concurrent software, multicore programming models is added to the conference topics of interest.
Topics of interest to this edition of the conference include but are not limited to:
Multicore Programming Models: Reliable Parallel Software, Parallel Execution of Ada Programs, Compositional Parallelism Models, Performance Modelling, Deterministic Debugging. Real-Time and Embedded Systems: Real-Time Software, Architecture Modeling, HW/SW Co-Design, Reliability and Performance Analysis. Theory and Practice of High-Integrity Systems: Distribution, Fault Tolerance, Security, Reliability, Trust and Safety, Languages Vulnerabilities.Software Architectures: Design Patterns, Frameworks, Architecture-Centered Development, Component and Class Libraries, Component-based Design and Development. Methods and Techniques for Software Development and Maintenance: Requirements Engineering, Object-Oriented Technologies, Model-driven Architecture and Engineering, Formal Methods, Re-engineering and Reverse Engineering, Reuse, Software Management Issues. Enabling Technologies: Compilers, Support Tools (Analysis, Code/Document Generation, Profiling), Run-time Systems, Distributed Systems, Ada and other Languages for Reliable Systems. Software Quality: Quality Management and Assurance, Risk Analysis, Program Analysis, Verification, Validation, Testing of Software Systems. Mainstream and Emerging Applications: Manufacturing, Robotics, Avionics, Space, Health Care, Transportation, Energy, Games and Serious Games, etc. Experience Reports: Case Studies and Comparative Assessments, Management Approaches, Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics. The Future of Ada: New language features, implementation and use issues; positioning in the market and in education; where should Ada stand in the software engineering curriculum; lessons learned on Ada Education and Training Activities with bearing on any of the conference topics.
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