AEIT 2020
AEIT 112th International Annual ConferenceOnline

CISTER's participants:
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
A Multi-Ray Analysis of LOS V2V Links for Multiple Antennas with Ground Reflection CISTER-TR-200715
Amir Hossein Farzamiyan, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Robles112th AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT 2020). 23 to 25, Sep, 2020, pp 1-6. Online.
Amir Hossein Farzamiyan, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Ramiro Robles112th AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT 2020). 23 to 25, Sep, 2020, pp 1-6. Online.