Co-design in Embedded Real-time SystemsISEP-IPP, Porto, Portugal
Homepage: http://www.iee.org/Events/a01jul03.cfm

Deadline: 1, May, 2003
Computing technology is quickly becoming a fundamental part of many commodity goods. While the demands for bigger and faster machines continue, a new wave of computing revolution is emerging: embedded computing. Previously, industry tailored applications to meet the capabilities of technologies, but now the time has come that technologies need to be tailored for applications. At the same time, the range of demands (eg power, dependability, cost etc.) have continued to grow. To best support these demands requires technologies that work across and correctly balance the different demands. A perceived weakness in the embedded real-time systems community is a shortage of events that cover multi-disciplinary topics such as control and scheduling, and hardware software co-design.
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/81