The First International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects CONET 2010
12, Apr, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Deadline: 1, Jan, 2010

During the last decade, the continuous improvement and miniaturization of integrated circuits has led to new types of computing systems. An emerging trend is the collaboration of miniature devices to achieve a common goal. Representative examples include wireless sensor networks, pervasive computing and embedded systems.

Along this trend, the notion of Cooperating Objects collectively refers to embedded computing devices equipped with communication as well as sensing or actuation capabilities, able to cooperate and organize themselves autonomously into networks to achieve a common task. As such, Cooperating Objects envision a single, coherent system formed by a wide range of devices, including those from the areas mentioned above. The complexity germane to the interaction inside and across networks of Cooperating Objects presents a rich set of research questions, and entails a wide range of scientific disciplines, such as networking, software engineering, and control theory.

CONET 2010 will provide a discussion forum for researchers, aimed at fostering synergy and convergence of complementary areas towards the vision of networks of Cooperating Objects. Work-in-progress systems, provocative ideas, and position papers paving the road towards such synergy and convergence are particularly welcome.

CISTER's participants:
Björn Andersson