International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Challenges and ApplicationsSantorini ISland, Greece
Homepage: http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt/cps%2Dca08/

Sponsors: IEEE-CS

Deadline: 14, Apr, 2008
Although the IT transformation in the 20th century appeared revolutionary, a bigger change is probably yet to come. The term Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has come to describe the research and technological effort that will ultimately efficiently allow interlinking the real world physical objects and cyberspace. Actually, a few other terms have been used to describe similar endeavors. The term "Internet of Things", originally aiming at RFID technologies, is smoothly becoming synonymous for cyber-physical systems.
The integration of physical processes and computing is not new. Embedded systems have been in place since a long time to denote systems that combine physical processes with computing. The revolution will come from massively networking embedded computing devices which will allow instrumenting the physical world with pervasive networks of sensor-rich, embedded computation.
Topics of Interest
In the long-term, one can expect networks with millions nodes in operation. Such Large-scale sensor-rich networked systems will generate an enormous amount of data and important challenges need to be addressed. A Cyber-Physical System integrates computing, communication and storage of information with monitoring and control of physical entities, in a timely, reliable, secure, efficient and safe manner.
In large-scale systems, these are often contradictory requirements, and numerous technical challenges are posed, including: architectures; networks and platforms; OS and middleware; heterogeneous system composition; etc.
These technical challenges span a number of CPS applications, including: critical infrastructure monitoring; transportation and automotive networks;power grid management;disaster response;precision agriculture;tele-physical services; structural monitoring; etc.
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