DaVinci Spring School
Anfiteatro A1, Dep. Informática, UMinho, Braga, Portugal
Homepage: https://davinci.di.uminho.pt/springschool22/

The DaVinci Spring School on formal methods for reactive and quantum systems is an event organised in the context of the DaVinci project, one of the Portuguese INESC TEC’s projects, to mark its conclusion. The project focused on building paradigms, foundations, and software engineering method and techniques, to reason about distributed reactive systems in the large, with strong fundamentals grounded on real-time, dynamic logics, relational algebra and quantum computing, among others.
This is open to everyone, but for logistic reasons we require everyone to register. Please register here if you plan to attend:
Registration will be open until March 21.
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/1969