2000 International IFIP Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Embedded SystemsSchloss Eringerfeld, Paderborn, Germany
Homepage: http://www.uni-paderborn.de/cs/franz/DIPES.html

Deadline: 30, Jun, 2000
DIPES tries to bring together researchers from industry and academia that are active in any aspect of distribution and parallelism in the context of embedded systems. As the complexity of such systems is constantly increasing, the development of large systems, whether software, hardware or hybrid (hardware and software) requires new, consistent and integrated design methodologies, while proceeding from specification to implementation. The workshop provides a forum for the discussion of issues and the exchange of outstanding technical results related to the engineering of distributed and parallel embedded systems and experience on their use.
CISTER's participants:
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/20