DIPES 2008
IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded SystemsMilano, Italy
Homepage: http://jerry.c-lab.de/dipes/

Sponsors: IFIP

Deadline: 1, Dec, 2007
Embedded systems build the key technological components of all kinds of complex technical systems, ranging from telecommunications devices to automobiles, aircraft and even complete production lines. Traditionally, such embedded control systems have been implemented in a monolithic, centralized manner, but distributed solutions have steadily been gaining popularity. In a distributed setup, the control task is carried out by a number of controllers distributed over the entire system and interconnected as a network by communication components such as field buses. The individual nodes of such a network usually consist of a processor (microcontroller) together with some sensors and actuators. More demanding local control applications require more powerful controllers based on parallel architectures such as multiprocessor systems-on-chips (MPSoCs) or VLIW. Distribution and parallelism in embedded system design increase the engineering challenges and demand new development methods and tools. Also, the increasing relevance of intelligent applications like autonomous systems or systems with self-x properties calls for new design methods and tools. Due to the growing complexity of these kinds of embedded systems, their development requires new, consistent and integrated design methodologies, covering the path from specification to implementation. DIPES will be an ideal opportunity to present, exchange and discuss the state of the art, novel ideas, actual research results, and future trends in the field of distributed embedded systems. Contributors and participants from both industry and academia are encouraged to take active part in this conference.
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of original unpublished research work in all areas. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
1. Specification and modelling of complex embedded systems
2. Design methodology for distributed and parallel embedded systems
3. Design support for intelligent features in embedded systems
4. Validation and verification of embedded systems
5. Novel programming techniques for distributed real-time systems
6. Operating systems and middleware for distributed real-time systems
7. Self-x properties in distributed embedded systems
8. Partitioning and allocation of tasks
9. Real-time communication systems
10. Software synthesis for real-time applications
11. Mixed continuous/discrete systems
12. HW/SW co-design for distributed embedded systems
13. Specific (parallel) architectures for distributed embedded systems
14. Dependability and fault tolerance of distributed embedded systems
15. Low power design of embedded systems
16. Case studies of distributed embedded systems
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