EuroSysKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Sponsors: ACM

Deadline: 8, Oct, 2005
EuroSys2006 is the first of a series of system conferences located in Europe. It is organized by EuroSys, the European Chapter of ACM SIGOPS, in cooperation with SIGOPS. It welcomes submissions and attendance from all over the world. EuroSys aims to bring together researchers from different areas of computer systems, who are otherwise spread over multiple conferences. As a result, we seek papers on all aspects of computer systems. We especially seek papers that cross the divide between areas and address: All areas of operating systems and distributed systems Systems aspects of: Programming language support Databases Distributed algorithms Middleware Parallel and concurrent computing Clusters and grids Mobile and pervasive computing Embedded computers and tiny devices Novel user interfaces Real-time computing Security Dependable computing Novel uses of information technology Management, measurement and monitoring Experience with existing systems Reproduction of previous results Negative results Early ideas
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