5th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbus Systems and their ApplicationsAveiro, Portugal
Homepage: http://www.det.ua.pt/eventos/fet2003/

Deadline: 24, Jan, 2003
FET'2003 is an international conference dedicated to research, development and applications in the areas of industrial and process automation, building and home automation, automotive and embedded systems. It follows the very successful conferences FeT'95, FeT'97 in Vienna (Austria), FeT'99 in Magdeburg (Germany) and FeT'2001 in Nancy (France).
The fifth edition of FET will be held in Portugal, in conjunction with the fifth edition of SICICA - IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications. Researchers and industrialists will have then the opportunity of staying from 7 to 11 in Aveiro and discuss all the topics from smart sensors and actuators to distributed control systems and applications, including communication subsystems and fieldbuses.
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Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/76