9th International Workshop on Quality of ServiceInstitute of Telematics, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
Homepage: http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~iwqos

Sponsors: IEEE-CS

Deadline: 18, Feb, 2001
IWQoS is a very successful series of workshops providing an international forum for the presentation and discussion of new research and ideas on quality of service (QoS) - the IWQoS2001 workshop in Karlsruhe follows the IWQoS events held in Columbia, Napa, London, and Pittsburgh. It is a premier forum for all work related to QoS - especially in networking but also QoS aspects outside of networking are considered as very important as well, e.g., QoS in operating systems, QoS in servers, advanced middleware services and according technical issues such as quality, safety and security, admission, accounting, mobility. The objective of this Ninth International Workshop on Quality of Service is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners working in all these areas to discuss recent innovative results and future directions.
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/39