IEEE Workshop on Large Scale Real-Time and Embedded SystemsAustin, Texas, U.S.A.

Deadline: 26, Oct, 2002
Real-time and embedded systems of the past were restricted to process control and small devices. Lately, more effort has been spent in broadening the scope of usage of these systems and bringing in technologies that pertain to a wide gammut of research fields. In particular, the scalability of such systems has become a crucial point, since embedded systems now encompass sensor networks, distributed networks of small devices, widely distributed metereological prediction systems, high-energy physics accelerators, digital telescopes, as well as distributed systems and control. These systems will be composed of thousands of embedded computers, from DSPs to general-purpose low-power processors, to systems-on-a-chip. The goal of this workshop is to stimulate discussion on the real-time aspects of large scale embedded systems, as embodied by systems such as the ones mentioned above.
In conjunction with the 23rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'02)
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