OPDIS 2005
9th International Conference on Principles of Distributed SystemsPisa, Italy
Homepage: http://www.di.unipi.it/OPODIS2005/

Deadline: 17, Aug, 2005
OPODIS is an open forum for the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge on distributed computing and systems among researchers from around the world. Being the 9th conference in a series of annual conferences, it is intended to be a lively meeting, covering many of the aspects in this scientific area. This year, a particular focus will be given to real-time systems and wireless networks.
The program committee is soliciting original research contributions to the theory, specifications, design and implementation of distributed systems, including: - communication and synchronization protocols - distributed algorithms, multiprocessor algorithms - distributed collaborative environments - embedded systems - fault-tolerance, reliability, availability - grid and cluster computing - location- and context-aware systems - mobile computing and networks - peer-to-peer systems, overlay networks - performance analysis of distributed algorithms and systems - real-time systems - security issues in distributed computing and systems - sensor networks - specification verification and testing of distributed systems
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/133