Probabilistic Analysis Techniques for Real-Time and Embedded SystemsPisa, Italy

Sponsors: ACM

Deadline: 1, Jul, 2004
PARTES is a forum to present new ideas and current research on probabilistic techniques for the analysis of real-time systems and embedded systems. The current trend of increased size and complexity of real-time and embedded systems makes current static analysis techniques increasingly unsuitable. Systems are increasingly more difficult to predict and absolute guarantees are becoming so pessimistic that are of no use. A probabilistic analysis framework can be the right analysis tool to analyse these systems. However, real-time and embedded systems have particular features that make some standard statistical techniques not applicable. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for people from industry and academia to present and discuss current problems and efforts in applying probabilistic techniques to the analysis of real-time and embedded systems. Contributions to the workshop should address probabilistic aspects of (but not restricted to) any of the following areas: execution time analysis, worst-case execution time analysis, schedulability analysis, measurement techniques, networking , testing and monitoring, scheduling algorithms, fault-tolerant systems, modelling, model fitting, petri nets, formal methods, applications of extreme value statistics and theory of copulas.
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