21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Communication SystemsHoliday Inn Downtown-Superdome, New Orleans, U.S.A.
Homepage: http://www.mobiquitous.org/

Deadline: 4, Apr, 2008
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following research areas:
1. Parallel Architectures and Systems
Message passing and shared memory systems; General-purpose and special-purpose architectures; Multi-thread/Multi-core; Tightly-coupled systems, clusters, Grid; Reconfigurable systems; Interconnection networks; I/O and storage systems; Design issues (low power, scalability, etc.)
2. Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Mapping, scheduling, load balancing; Routing, communication, synchronization; Fault tolerance; Security; Query processing
3. Parallel and Distributed Systems Software
Languages, compilers, OS; Programming environments and tools; Real-time systems; Resource management and allocations; Middleware; Data mining; Performance modeling and evaluation
4. Parallel and Distributed Applications
Scientific computing; Large-scale simulation and optimization; Multimedia computing; Grid and Internet applications; Mobile computing; Computational biology, chemistry, geometry, physics; Digital signal and image processing; Sensor networks applications
5. Communication Systems
Architecture of network systems (e.g., switches and routers); Software routers; Network processors and network subsystems; Network operating systems; Optical network systems; Coding and high-speed transmission 6. Network Protocols
Ad-hoc and sensor networking; Wireless communications and networking; Internet protocols; Network security; Optical networking; Performance analysis systems; Coding and high-speed transmission
7. Multimedia and Service Networking
Multimedia communications and services; Real-time networking; Quality-of-Service; Performance modeling; Networked real-time embedded systems; Services on-dema
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