RTCSA 2008
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing and ApplicationsInternational Conference Center, Kaohsiung, South Korea
Homepage: http://www.rtcsa.org/

Deadline: 10, Apr, 2008
Embedded software has become a necessity in almost every aspect of the daily lives of individuals and organizations, from self-contained applications to those embedded in various devices and services (mobile phones, vital sign sensors, medication dispensers, home appliances, engine ignition systems, etc). A large proportion of these systems are mission/life critical and performance sensitive.
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2008) will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for advancing the technology of embedded and real-time systems, and ubiquitous computing applications. The conference has the following goals: to investigate advances in embedded and real-time systems and ubiquitous computing applications; to promote interaction among the areas of embedded computing, real-time computing and ubiquitous computing; to evaluate the maturity and directions of embedded and real-time system and ubiquitous computing technology. RTCSA2008 invites submissions of papers presenting a high quality original research and development for the conference tracks: (1) Real-time Systems
(2) Ubiquitous Computing
(3) Embedded Systems.
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