13th International Conference on Real-Time SystemsParis-Expo, Porte de, Paris, France
Homepage: http://rts05.loria.fr/

Deadline: 15, Oct, 2004
The purpose of the conference is to share ideas, experiences and information among academic researchers, developers, and service providers in the field of REAL-TIME and EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. The program committee is soliciting papers describing original work related to real-time computing. This call is particularly aimed at applications, experimental or commercial systems, new problems including real-time constraints, emerging solutions, parallel or distributed architectures, theoretical foundations and methodologies of construction and validation taking into account timing constraints. Thus all the proposals relating to real-time in the following topics will be examined:
• real-time networks and distributed systems, • specification, modeling, validation, verification of real-time applications and systems: • design methods and languages, development environments, • task scheduling and allocation, message scheduling, • performance evaluation, benchmarking, • middleware, real-time operating systems, • fault tolerant real-time systems, • software engineering for real-time systems, real-time components, worst-case execution time, • energy-aware design.
However the program committee would like to put a particular emphasis on the following fields of applications:
• embedded applications in transportation systems: automotive, avionic and railway fields, • control systems: implementation, performance, dependability.
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/116