RTSS@Work 2011
Real-Time Systems at WorkVienna, Austria
Homepage: http://webpages.cister.isep.ipp.pt/~smp/RTSS@Work/

Deadline: 18, Sep, 2011
The session solicits 2-page extended abstracts-- plus screenshots where appropriate -- as a basic means to select the program. A small committee will screen the proposed demos and formally invite the developers to demonstrate their work. The session will be split into two parts: a short presentation session where each participant has 2 slides (to be collected a priori) to pitch their wares followed by a demonstration and poster session. Each demo must be accompanied by a poster explaining the prototype, tool, or simulator and/or presenting useful results. During the demos a set of anonymous assessors will attend all demonstrations and will grade these in various categories: innovation, usefulness to the community, accessibility, presentation, etc. Based on these, a best demo and a runner up will be determined and awarded a prize (generously sponsored by the School of Engineering Polytechnic of Porto and its CISTER research unit). The session will be run in the last session of the workshop day and will be open to all participants of the RTSS workshops and conference.
CISTER's participants:
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/548