VERDI 2023
1st International Workshop on Verification & Validation of Dependable Cyber-Physical SystemsPorto, Portugal

Co-located with the 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
The VERDI workshop aims at serving as a discussion forum focused on the area of V&V as a means to guarantee dependability of complex, potentially automated/autonomous CPS. This workshop covers all aspects related to the dependability evaluation (with special focus on *safety* and *security*) of safety-critical CPS using techniques such as fault/attack-injection, runtime verification, formal verification, semi-formal analysis, simulation, and testing.
The fast increase and availability of communication bandwidth and computational power, as well as emerging computing paradigms such as Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, and Deep Learning, are pushing forward Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) research and development and establishing them as promising engineering solutions to address challenges arising in several domains. A key property that CPS are expected to exhibit is that of dependability. A key ingredient to ensure dependability is to successfully apply verification & validation (V&V) techniques and attest the desired levels of safety, security, and privacy. This is a challenging task that comes with significant time and cost implications for all the organizations involved in the build-up and evaluation of CPS. This challenge becomes even more critical with the incorporation of more and more Artificial Intelligence models into the operational capabilities of CPS for handling tasks that are increasingly complex.
The workshop covers all aspects related to the dependability evaluation (with special focus on safety and security) of safety-critical CPS using techniques such as fault/attack-injection, runtime verification, formal verification, semi-formal analysis, simulation, and testing. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Safety/security risk assessment and assurance
- Analysis of threats and vulnerabilities
- In-the-loop and model-based analysis and assessment
- Architecture-driven assurance of safety and security
- Interplay between safety and security
- Tools for validation and verification
- Dependability analysis using simulation and experimental measurement
- Methods for qualification, assurance, and certification
- Test space exploration and test space pruning
- Distributed and real-time monitoring and control
- Analysis of probabilistic, real-time, or hybrid systems
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