6th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication SystemsTorino, Italy

Sponsors: IEEE-IES

Deadline: 31, Jan, 2006
The WFCS workshop is the largest IEEE technical event specially dedicated to industrial communication systems. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and developers to review current trends in this area and to present and discuss new ideas and new research directions. FOCUS ON:
- Real-time and Dependability in Industrial Communication Systems: message scheduling; task allocation; fault-tolerant communication; performance analysis; safety and security issues.
- Vertical Integration in Industrial Communication Systems: web-based setup, maintenance, and configuration; transparency vs. security; data-flow management; internetworking; hybrid wired/wireless industrial infrastructures.
- Information and Communication Technology in Automation: system design; distributed objects, components and web frameworks; mobile computing; network computing; client/server computing; modelling and specification techniques; formal methods.
- Recent advances in research domains with similar requirements: networked control systems; wireless sensor networks; building automation networks; automotive and train-control networks; distributed real-time embedded systems.
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