WISES 2010
8th Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded SystemsHeraklion, Crete, Greece
Homepage: https://wises2010.cs.teicrete.gr/

Deadline: 12, Mar, 2010
Demand for high performance embedded computing is experiencing an impressive growth. The embedded market evolves rapidly, quickly expanding the capabilities of new devices. Requirements of these new applications demand technologies and methodologies traditionally utilized for high-performance computing. Therefore, development of embedded systems must rely, even more than in the recent past, on specific smart solutions both in the hardware and in the software components. Moreover, the need to timely tackle changes in the market pushes towards employment of methodologies for shortening the development time and driving the evolution of existing products. Intelligent solutions are necessary to overcome these challenges and to provide reliable and secure systems to the customer under a strict time and financial budget.
WISES2010 is a platform for presentation of innovative approaches that provide intelligent solutions in embedded systems. The objective of this workshop is to present mature approaches and to provide a forum for the exchange and discussion of ideas, and for sharing experiences among researchers, practitioners, and application developers from industry and academia. Original papers addressing theoretical and practical aspects of embedded systems are solicited. Papers describing prototype implementations and deployments of embedded systems are particularly welcome. In order to provide young researchers a forum to exchange ideas, WISES2010 will include a special session for PhD students.
CISTER's participants:
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/404