WISES 2011
Ninth Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded SystemsRegensburg, Germany
Homepage: http://fbim.fh-regensburg.de/~wises2011/

Deadline: 11, Mar, 2011
Welcome to WISES 2011
Embedded Systems run our cars and telephones, control production lines and aircraft systems. Meeting the strong requirements regarding the cost, safety, security, size and the power consumption require new and innovative solutions. Providing flexible and configurable systems is nowadays the key role of the embedded software.
In this context, WISES2011‘s objective is to create a forum for exchanging ideas, discuss solutions and share experiences among researchers and developers from both industry and academia. Original papers describing prototype implementations and deployments of embedded systems are particularly welcome. In order to provide young researchers a forum to exchange their ideas WISES2011 will include a special session for PhD‐Students.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Embedded Systems Architecture
‐ Multicore SoC (e.g. homogeneous, heterogeneous MPSoC) ‐ Memory systems and optimization in embedded systems ‐ On‐chip buses and point‐to‐point networks ‐ Application‐specific (e.g. ASIPs, hardware accelerators) ‐ Architectures and tools for reconfigurable computing
Software for single or multi‐core embedded systems
‐ Applications and systems software (e.g. drivers, communication libraries) ‐ Real‐time operating systems and middleware in embedded systems
Prototype platforms, applications and case studies
‐ Next generation networking and mobile/wireless technology ‐ Sensor networks and related hardware/software platforms ‐ Embedded systems with ambient intelligence and pervasiveness
Tools and methodologies for analysis, exploration and validation
‐ Cost‐efficient and power‐aware embedded system design ‐ Fault tolerance, reliability and security in embedded systems ‐ Real‐time embedded systems ‐ Debugging and profiling techniques and tools - Cyber-physical systems
Special Sessions:
‐ Industry‐oriented research ‐ Safety and Security ‐ PhD students session
Other special sessions can be proposed to the General Chairs. Submission and Publication Submissions will only be accepted electronically via WISES homepage in PDF format. Accepted papers will be published in printed proceedings. The papers will be made accessible via world-wide web and via IEEE Digital Library (pending approval). Each paper must be presented by one of the authors at the workshop. Important Deadlines and Dates
Manuscript Submission Final Deadline
March 11th, 2011
Notification of Acceptance:
May 6th, 2011
June 10th, 2011
Camera-Ready Paper Submission:
June 10th, 2011
July 7th/8th, 2011
CISTER's participants:
Short link for this page: www.cister-labs.pt/events/499