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Celebration of the 60th anniversary of Professor Alan Burns

4, Apr, 2013
CISTER/INESC-TEC researchers Stefan M. Petters and Konstantinos Bletsas participated in a one-day workshop titled "Real-time systems: the past, the present and the future". This was held at the University of York, on March 14th, 2013. This one-off event was organised by Prof. Sanjoy K. Baruah (U. North Carolina, USA) and Dr Neil C. Audsley (U. of York, UK) in celebration of the 60th birthday of Professor Alan Burns and in recognition of his contributions to the research community.

Professor Alan Burns is one of the members of the CISTER/INESC-TEC External Advisory Board (EAB). His research interests cover a number of aspects of real-time systems including the assessment of languages for use in the real-time domain, distributed operating systems, the formal specification of scheduling algorithms and implementation strategies, and the design of dependable user interfaces to real-time applications. He has authored/co-authored 450 papers/reports and 15 books.

The Real Time Systems Research Group of the University of York was established in 1990 and since then has undertaken research into all aspects of the design, implementation and analysis of real-time systems. This workshop allowed for discussions to be held between the research institutes involved within the Real Time Systems area.

More information at: http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/rts/