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Four Artemis Project Proposals Delivered

12, Jul, 2013

Following the strategic pillar of international networking projects and the focused ARTEMIS initiative for embedded systems, CISTER joined four consortia and presented four new project proposals within the ARTEMIS 2013 call.

EMC2 (Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments) is an AIPPs proposal involving several partners, namely Infineon Technologies, BMW and Siemens. From Portugal it involves CISTER and Critical software leading a Use Case in one of the Living Labs (automotive). CISTER is also involved in an avionics use case led by EADS.

ICC (Innovative Care Cycle) is another AIPP in the health topic. The Portuguese involvement is within a consortium led by Critical Software, and including INESC–ID Lisbon, the University of Coimbra, a small SME Perceive3D and the Hospital of the University of Coimbra, one of the reference hospitals in Portugal. CISTER is also involved in leading a task on the specification of a real-time version of the DICOM standard for exchange of medical images and video. Industrial partners include Philipps Medical, Agfa Healthcare and GE Healthcare.

DEWI (Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure) envisions to significantly foster Europe’s leading position in embedded wireless systems and smart (mobile) environments such as vehicles, railway cars, airplanes and buildings. Each of these environments is reflected as a domain in the project proposal and CISTER’s main work is in the AERONAUTICS domain (SP2), leading the WP2.5 (Active Flow Control by Means of a Dense WSAN ) and participation in WP2.4 (Increasing Flight Safety). CISTER is also involved in management and architectural work in the INTEROPERABILITY domain (SP6) that is responsible for finding commonalities between the several application domains. IIndustrial partners include Airbus Operations, EADS, Acciona, NXP Semiconductors, Philips, Thales Alenia and Volvo.

COMIT (Collaborative Multi-level Integration Testing of Embedded Systems) proposal is related to testing and verification of embedded systems aiming at Improving Quality and Cost Efficiency of Embedded Systems through Incremental Integration Testing. In this proposal CISTER leads the formal verification task, whose main topic is runtime verification. Industrial partners include bombardier Transportation and Nokia Siemens Networks.