CISTER-led HiPEAC CSW thematic session
22, Apr, 2016

CISTER researcher Luis Miguel Pinho organized and coordinated a thematic session during the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week held in Porto at the Science and Technology Park of University of Porto (UPTEC). The session was on "Time, energy and other resources analysis for predictable parallel programming of cyber-physical systems". The event was jointly organized by the TACLe COST Action (IC1202 Timing Analysis on Code-Level) and the P-SOCRATES FP7 project.
There were two technical presentations, one from Daniel Gracia Perez (Thales, France) and another from researcher Vincent Nélis (CISTER, Portugal). In addition, Clemens Grelck (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) gave a presentation about a new COST Action proposal, to be submitted later in 2016. CISTER researchers Konstantinos Bletsas and Luis Miguel Pinho (the latter as the designated chair) have a central role in the preparation of this proposal, which aims to build a new community around the analysis of systems with respect to their resource requirements (time, energy, platform) and the associated trade-offs.
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