CISTER researchers Luis Miguel Pinho and António Barros participated in the
EnerGAware project meeting held in Barcelona, Spain. The project intends to achieve a 15-30% energy consumption and emissions reduction in a social housing pilot and increase the social tenants’ understanding and engagement in energy efficiency through the development of a serious game that will be linked to the actual energy consumption (smart meter data) of the game user’s home and embedded in social media and networking tools.
The meeting agenda included analysis of feedback from the first review of the project (with very positive remarks from the project officer and project reviewers) as well as status and planning of project activities. In particular, the consortium discussed the deployment of the energy monitoring infrastructure (a work package led by CISTER), which will be used to determine baseline energy consumption and will, in a second phase, observe the effects of the game on energy saving habits of families. Another relevant topic was the FIWARE-based IoT platform, being developed at CISTER, which will analyse and process the monitoring data for real-time connection with the serious game.
This was a week where CISTER work in EnerGAware was in the spotlight, with also the project being presented in an event organized by GPPQ, the Portuguese office for promotion of the European Framework programs of FCT.