The P-SOCRATES Industrial Workshop took place at ISEP in November, a meeting organized to present the results of the
P-SOCRATES European project to its Industrial Advisory Board, which includes experts from Kalray (FR), Airbus (FR), Rapita (UK), Honeywell (CZ), SAAB (SE), MBDA (IT) and Bosch (DE).
P-SOCRATES (Parallel Software Framework for Time-Critical Many-core Systems) is an FP7 European project, led by ISEP, addressing the challenges of predictability and performance of current and future applications with high-performance and real-time requirements. The project developed an entirely new design framework, from conceptual design of the system functionality to its physical implementation, to facilitate the deployment of standardized parallel architectures in all kinds of real-time systems.
During the workshop, P-SOCRATES members presented technical outcomes of the project, as well as results of the evaluation campaign, discussing with the industry experts the achievements and future perspectives. This was a highly successful meeting and received very positive and encouraging feedback.