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Successful start of the ENCOURAGE project

10, Jul, 2011

Last July 6/7, CISTER hosted the kick-off meeting of the European Project ENCOURAGE (Embedded iNtelligent COntrols for bUildings with Renewable generAtion and storaGE). The ENCOURAGE project, of the FP7/ARTEMIS Embedded Computing Systems Initiative, aims to develop embedded intelligence and integration technologies that will directly optimize energy use in buildings with renewable energy and enable active participation in the future smart grid environment. The ENCOURAGE consortium is led by the University of Alborg (DK), and has as partners CISTER/ISEP (PT), ISA - Intelligent Sensing Anywhere (PT), ENEL (IT), EnergiNord (DK), Seluxit (DK), GNERA Energia y Tecnologia (SP), ESVALL (SP), Atos Research (SP) and eZmonitoring (IR).


The first day was dedicated to a General Assembly meeting of the project, which reviewed the overall project activities and planning and defined the management mechanisms to be implemented. In this meeting, CISTER also presented the proposed activities related to the exploitation, standardisation and dissemination of results.


June 7 was dedicated to a technical meeting of Workpackage 2 (System Requirements and Architecture). The goal of this workpackage will be to collect the user requirements and translate them into functional requirements and system architecture. In this workpackage, CISTER leads the task that will define the general ENCOURAGE architecture, which will provide the structure and integration of ENCOURAGE building blocks (applications, enablers, middleware, embedded devices). In this context, CISTER researchers presented an initial overview of the technical challenges and foreseen activities.


More information at http://www.encourage.aau.dk/.