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CONET Network of Excellence review meeting in Berlin

22, Jul, 2011

The 3rd year review meeting of the CONET Network of Excellence was held in at the Technical University of Berlin, on July 19/20. CISTER researchers Mário Alves and Filipe Pacheco were in charge of the presentations of the COTS4QoS and SDP research clusters, respectively. Mário Alves also presented Work Package WP5 (Dissemination), which is lead by CISTER and involves all CONET members.


The feedback from the Project Officer and reviewers was very positive, reflecting excellent results both from the overall perspective of the consortium and also related to the particular frameworks where CISTER has management responsibilities (Work Package WP5 and research clusters COTS4QoS and SDP). In the last 3 years, CONET has performed a lot of effort in putting together the integrated and federated test-beds, the simulation platform and the research clusters.


"A lot of good work has been done in most areas […]. The work in the testbeds is particularly appreciated. Improvement of tools and interfaces should be pursued.", states Project Officer Jorge Pereira in the preliminary assessment report.


More information at http://www.cooperating-objects.eu.