Filipa Borrego
Filipa Borrego is a Research Manager at CISTER. Her work focuses on facilitating the participation of CISTER in national and European projects as well as coordinating its participation in the CoLab VORTEX and Intelligent Systems Associate LAboratory (LASI). Previously, she was the Innovation Management Coordinator at INESC ID, facilitating the participation of the three INESCs in Lisbon (INOV, INESC ID and INESC MN) in European projects. She is also an invited professor of the Postgraduate program in Science and Technology Management and Policy at NOVA FCSH. She was a National Expert for the Committee of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) theme of the European Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and a National Contact Point for several themes. Filipa has been an evaluator for several European programmes (Horizon 2020, Fulbright, COST Actions and European Economic Area) and, in 2019, she was a member of the European Commission High-Level Expert Group to assess the progress of Research Infrastructures towards implementation and long-term sustainability. Filipa was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas, Austin, USA, where she worked on methodologies to develop, license and/or commercialize early-stage technologies coming out of European projects.
Filipa graduated in 1999 and received her MSc degree in 2002, both in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. In 2002, she was a trainee at the European Space Agency (ESA) in the Netherlands until 2004, when she started her PhD in Computer Engineering at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. In 2008 after her PhD defence, she took a position as a researcher at the Ultra Low Power DSP group at Holst Centre / IMEC, the Netherlands, where she stayed until 2010. In 2010, she returned to Portugal where she started her career as Research Manager at NOVA FCT.
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