Luís Almeida (Publications)
Research Centre Vice-Director
Professor, Integrated PhD Researcher
Luís Almeida graduated in Electronics and Telecommunications Eng. in 1988 and received a Ph.D. in Electrical Eng. in 1999, both from the University of Aveiro in Portugal.
He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Porto (UP), Portugal, where he coordinates the Distributed and Real-time Embedded Systems laboratory (DaRTES). Among several appointments, he was a member of the Executive Committees of the IEEE Technical Committees on Real-Time Systems (2008-2013) and on Factory Automation (2007-2009, 2014-2017), Program and General Chair of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (2011-2012 respectively), Vice-President (2011-2013) and Trustee (2008-2016) of the RoboCup Federation, and Associate Editor of the Springer Journal of Real-Time Systems (since 2010) and Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (since 2012).
His research interests include real-time communications for distributed industrial/embedded systems including teams of cooperating agents and sensor networks.
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Harrison Kurunathan, Eduardo TovarTransportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (TRD), Elsevier. Nov 2024.
Pedro d'Orey, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Manuel Ribeiro, J. Borges de Sousa, Luís AlmeidaComputer Networks (ComNet), Elsevier. Jul 2024, Volume 249, Issue 110505.
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Harrison Kurunathan, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Eduardo TovarOpen Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE OJ ITS), IEEE. 2024.
Cristobal Huidobro, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Christian Oberli, Jorge Celades, Mauricio Rodríguez, Pedro d'Orey, Luís AlmeidaIEEE Latin American Conference on Antennas & Propagation (LACAP). Dec 2024. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.