Mário Sousa (Publications)
Professor, PhD Researcher
Mário de Sousa graduated in Electrical and Computer Eng. in 1992 and received a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Eng. in 2005, both from the University of Porto in Portugal.
He is currently an Auxiliary Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Porto (UP), Portugal, where he teaches Industrial Informatics, Industrial Networks and Real-Time embedded Systems. He is the original author and current maintainer of the Matiec open-source compiler for IEC 61131-3 PLC programming languages. He was the General Chair and Track chair of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (2018 and 2019 respectively).
His research interests include real-time embedded systems, communication protocols and programming languages for industrial applications.
Rui Reis, Pedro Miguel Santos, Mário Sousa, Nuno Martins, Joana Sousa, Luís AlmeidaProceedings of the IEEE DCOSS conference 2023 – IoT-I5 workshop. 21, Jun, 2023. Paphos, Cyprus.
Yimin Zhang, Barikisu Asulba, Nuno Schumacher, Mário Sousa, Pedro Souto, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Nuno Martins, Joana SousaProceedings of the Real-time And intelliGent Edge computing workshop (RAGE 2023). 9, May, 2023. Albania.
Pedro Miguel Santos, Joana Sousa, Ricardo Morla, Nuno Martins, João Tagaio, João Serra, Carlos Silva, Mário Sousa, Pedro Souto, Luis Lino Ferreira, Joao M.Ferreira, Luís Almeida25, Jun, 2021. Australia.