Zahid Iqbal (Events)
Collaborator PhD Researcher
Zahid has completed his undergraduate studies in Pakistan and master studies at Chalmers University, Sweden. He completed his PhD at FEUP in May 2018. At Chalmers, his major was Dependable Computer Systems that focused on security, reliability and timeliness of computer systems. Following which, he has spent time working as a research assistant in the area of wireless sensor networks at CISTER research unit Portugal, in the area of formal safety analysis and natural language processing at Linköping University, Sweden and in real-time communications at Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems Laboratory (DaRTES), FEUP. At DaRTES, his work is on reservation-based scheduling techniques over Switched Ethernet using a real-time Ethernet protocol, FTT-SE. His research interests include real-time communications, resource reservation techniques, and distributed embedded systems.