Dependable Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks in Water Environments
PTDC/CCI-COM/30142/2017 3 years (Oct 2018 to Sep 2021) | |
Summary: | Continuous monitoring of aquatic environments using water sensors is important for several applications related to the prevention of accidents, to water resources and aquaculture management and recreational activities. Thus, it is fundamental to ensure the quality of the monitoring data in order to avoid false alarms or ignoring relevant events. However, operating these sensors in the water environment presents several challenges with clear consequences on data quality. For instance, sensors are constantly being subjected to factors that directly interfere with data quality, such as potentially strong currents and debris accumulation, and communication with sensors, affected by waves and more interferences. AQUAMON will develop a dependable monitoring platform for application in aquatic environments using wireless sensor networks, addressing some of these challenges. In particular, it will address data communication quality problems over water surfaces, due to waves and propagation characteristics over a water surface, transmission predictability, due to shared medium access contention, and data quality, caused by faults that affect both sensors and communication, creating data errors and data loss. The following approaches will be followed to achieve the project goals. To obtain communication quality guarantees for the wireless sensor network, a higher transmission power in several operation scenarios will be used in 802.15.4 networks. To improve communication reliability, protocols will be designed and implemented to limit the amount of packet collisions, using communication synchronization techniques. For processing sensor data, the project will resort to a combination of methods, aiming at achieving enhanced data quality. On the one hand, faults will be detected using signal analysis and processing techniques, as well as inference techniques based on data series. On the other hand, using multiple redundant sensors enables the application of data fusion techniques and characterizing the quality of resulting data. Finally, collected data will also be analysed by considering specific water-process and predictive models for the dynamics of the monitored environments, which will provide additional redundancy and contribute to data quality assurance. To illustrate the validity of the proposed solution, the platform will be tested in the Seixal bay, using the real time hydrodynamic and water quality monitoring and forecast system of the Tagus estuary, developed in the scope of the projects FP7 PREPARED, AdI SI-GeA and FCT MOLINES. This application will highlight the effectiveness of the AQUAMON platform and allow quantifying the gains relative to conventional sensor networks, using a forecast system based on the best process-based numerical models. |
Funding: | Global: 240KEUR, CISTER: 61KEUR |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Luís Almeida |
9, Dec, 2019
AQUAMON F2F meeting

6, Sep, 2019
11th National Symposium of Informatics (INForum 2019), in Guimarães
On the 5th and 6th of September 2019, CISTER Researchers Luís Pinto and Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán presented an oral communication and a poster at the 11th Symposium of Informatics (INForum 2019) held at the Campus Azurém of the University of Minho in Guimarães.
The article, also co-authored by CISTER members Pedro M. Santos and Luís Almeida, had the purpose of showing part of the research being done under the context of project AQUAMON, where CISTER is a partner.
In addition, the analysis presented in this work represents a relevant step on the support of real-time communications for over-water multi-hop networks affected by tides, which is one of the research challenges taken by Miguel in his Ph.D. studies.
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Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Improving short to medium range communication over water tides: Why does height matters? CISTER-TR-210201
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto
Wireless radio link design to improve near-shore communication with surface nodes on tidal waters CISTER-TR-210706
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro d'Orey, Pedro Miguel Santos, Manuel Ribeiro, Luis Pinto, Luís Almeida, J. Borges de SousaIEEE/MTS OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto (OCEANS 2021). 20 to 22, Sep, 2021. San Diego, U.S.A..
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro d'Orey, Pedro Miguel Santos, Manuel Ribeiro, Luis Pinto, Luís Almeida, J. Borges de SousaIEEE/MTS OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto (OCEANS 2021). 20 to 22, Sep, 2021. San Diego, U.S.A..
EDF scheduling and minimal-overlap shortest-path routing for real-time TSCH networks CISTER-TR-201201
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Patrick Meumeu YomsiSecond Workshop on Next Generation Real-Time Embedded Systems (NG-RES 2021). 20, Jan, 2021, pp 2:1-2:12. Online.Co-located with HiPEAC 2021.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Patrick Meumeu YomsiSecond Workshop on Next Generation Real-Time Embedded Systems (NG-RES 2021). 20, Jan, 2021, pp 2:1-2:12. Online.Co-located with HiPEAC 2021.
Optimal antenna-height design for improved capacity on over-water radio links affected by tides CISTER-TR-200802
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto, Luís AlmeidaGlobal OCEANS 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast (OCEANS 2020). 5 to 14, Oct, 2020, pp 1-7. Online.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto, Luís AlmeidaGlobal OCEANS 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast (OCEANS 2020). 5 to 14, Oct, 2020, pp 1-7. Online.
Experimental evaluation of the two-ray model for near-shore WiFi-based network systems design CISTER-TR-200301
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto, Luís Almeida91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring). 25 to 28, May, 2020, Recent Results, pp 1-3. Online.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto, Luís Almeida91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring). 25 to 28, May, 2020, Recent Results, pp 1-3. Online.
Real-Time Communication Support for Over-water Wireless Multi-hop Networks CISTER-TR-200601
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís Almeida7th Barcelona Supercomputing Center Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium (BSC SO Doctoral Symposium 2020). 5, May, 2020, pp 51-52. Online.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís Almeida7th Barcelona Supercomputing Center Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium (BSC SO Doctoral Symposium 2020). 5, May, 2020, pp 51-52. Online.
Building a Text Messaging-Based System to Support Low-Cost Automation in Household Agriculture CISTER-TR-200304
Fernando Lizana, Ricardo Tello, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, David Ruete, Carlos Gomez Pantoja28º Congreso de Electricidad y Electrónica (INGELECTRA'2019). 1 to 3, Apr, 2020, pp 1-5. Online.INGELECTRA 2019 postponed from November 2019 to April 2020.
Fernando Lizana, Ricardo Tello, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, David Ruete, Carlos Gomez Pantoja28º Congreso de Electricidad y Electrónica (INGELECTRA'2019). 1 to 3, Apr, 2020, pp 1-5. Online.INGELECTRA 2019 postponed from November 2019 to April 2020.
Experimental Evaluation of Urban Points-of-Interest as Predictors of I2V 802.11 Data Transfers CISTER-TR-190901
Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís M. Sousa, Ana Aguiar5th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2019). 14 to 17, Oct, 2019, pp 644-650. Casablanca, Morocco.
Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís M. Sousa, Ana Aguiar5th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2019). 14 to 17, Oct, 2019, pp 644-650. Casablanca, Morocco.
On the Two-Ray Model Analysis for Overwater Links with Tidal Variations CISTER-TR-190706
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luis Pinto, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís Almeida11º Simpósio de Informática (INForum 2019). 5 to 6, Sep, 2019, CRC (Comunicações e Redes de Computadores). Guimarães, Portugal.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luis Pinto, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís Almeida11º Simpósio de Informática (INForum 2019). 5 to 6, Sep, 2019, CRC (Comunicações e Redes de Computadores). Guimarães, Portugal.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
Wi-Fi-based network systems design over freshwater: Experimental evaluation using COTS devices CISTER-TR-200204
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto, Luís AlmeidaPoster presented in 15th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering (DSIE 2020). 11 to 12, Feb, 2020, Poster Session. Porto, Portugal.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luis Pinto, Luís AlmeidaPoster presented in 15th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering (DSIE 2020). 11 to 12, Feb, 2020, Poster Session. Porto, Portugal.
An Analysis of the Two-Ray Propagation Model to Support Near-Surface Overwater Wireless Sensor Networks Design CISTER-TR-190513
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luis Pinto, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís AlmeidaPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019, Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Porto, Portugal.Extended Abstract
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luis Pinto, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís AlmeidaPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019, Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Porto, Portugal.Extended Abstract