Distributed Embedded ARchitectures using Custom Off-The-Shelf Components
PRAXIS/P/EEI/14187/1998 2 years (Sep 1999 to Aug 2001) | |
Summary: | The main purpose of the DEAR-COTS project is the specification of an architecture based on the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, able to support distributed computer controlled systems where reliability and timeliness are major requirements. |
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Journal Papers
Replication Management in Reliable Real-Time Systems HURRAY-TR-0206
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques, Andy WellingsKluwer Journal of Real-Time Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1, Apr, 2004, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp 261-296.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques, Andy WellingsKluwer Journal of Real-Time Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1, Apr, 2004, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp 261-296.
Reliable Real-Time Communication in CAN Networks HURRAY-TR-0301
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco VasquesIEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE. Dec 2003, Volume 52, Issue 12, pp 1594-1607.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco VasquesIEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE. Dec 2003, Volume 52, Issue 12, pp 1594-1607.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Improved Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts in CAN HURRAY-TR-0127
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques8th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'01), IEEE. 15, Oct, 2001, 1, pp 305-313. Antibes - Juan les Pins, France.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques8th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'01), IEEE. 15, Oct, 2001, 1, pp 305-313. Antibes - Juan les Pins, France.
Timing Analysis of Reliable Real-Time Communication in CAN Networks HURRAY-TR-0111
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. 13, Jun, 2001, pp 103-114. Delft, Netherlands.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. 13, Jun, 2001, pp 103-114. Delft, Netherlands.
The DEAR-COTS Replication Framework HURRAY-TR-0113
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques, Andy Wellings13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. 13, Jun, 2001, Work-In-Progress Session, pp 17-20. Delft, Netherlands.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques, Andy Wellings13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. 13, Jun, 2001, Work-In-Progress Session, pp 17-20. Delft, Netherlands.
Atomic Multicast Protocols for Reliable CAN Communication HURRAY-TR-0112
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques19th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC 2001). 21, May, 2001, pp 194-209. Florianópolis, Brasil.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques19th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC 2001). 21, May, 2001, pp 194-209. Florianópolis, Brasil.
Merging Reliability and Timeliness Requirements in Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems HURRAY-TR-0105
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques9th International Conference on Real-Time Systems (RTS 2001). 6, Mar, 2001, pp 79-92. Paris, France.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques9th International Conference on Real-Time Systems (RTS 2001). 6, Mar, 2001, pp 79-92. Paris, France.
Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems: the DEAR-COTS approach HURRAY-TR-0021
Paulo Veríssimo, António Casimiro, Luis Rodrigues, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques16th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems (DCCS'2000), Pergamon. 29, Nov, 2000, pp 128-135. Sydney, Australia.
Paulo Veríssimo, António Casimiro, Luis Rodrigues, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques16th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems (DCCS'2000), Pergamon. 29, Nov, 2000, pp 128-135. Sydney, Australia.
An Architecture for Reliable Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems HURRAY-TR-0012
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco VasquesInternational Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES 2000), Springer US. 18, Oct, 2000, 61, pp 43-52. Paderborn, Germany.Also published in "Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded Systems", B. Kleinjohann (Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, April 2001, ISBN 0-7923-7345-6, pp. 43-52.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco VasquesInternational Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES 2000), Springer US. 18, Oct, 2000, 61, pp 43-52. Paderborn, Germany.Also published in "Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded Systems", B. Kleinjohann (Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, April 2001, ISBN 0-7923-7345-6, pp. 43-52.
Programming Atomic Multicasts in CAN HURRAY-TR-0014
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques, Luis Lino Ferreira10th International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW '00), ACM New York. 1, Oct, 2000, pp 79-84. Avila, Spain.Also published in ACM Ada Letters, Vol XXI, N. 1, pp. 79-84, ACM Press, March 2001.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques, Luis Lino Ferreira10th International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW '00), ACM New York. 1, Oct, 2000, pp 79-84. Avila, Spain.Also published in ACM Ada Letters, Vol XXI, N. 1, pp. 79-84, ACM Press, March 2001.
Integrating Inacessibility in Response Time Analysis of CAN Networks HURRAY-TR-0004
Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques3rd IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'2000), IEEE. 6, Sep, 2000, pp 77-84. Porto, Portugal.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques3rd IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS'2000), IEEE. 6, Sep, 2000, pp 77-84. Porto, Portugal.
CIDER: Envisaging a COTS Communication Infrastructure for Evolutionary Dependable Real-Time Systems HURRAY-TR-0015
Gerhard Fohler, Giorgio Buttazzo, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 12th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (RTS’00). 19, Jun, 2000, pp 19-22. Stockholm, Sweden.
Gerhard Fohler, Giorgio Buttazzo, Mário Alves, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 12th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (RTS’00). 19, Jun, 2000, pp 19-22. Stockholm, Sweden.
Technical Reports
Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Applications in the DEAR-COTS Architecture HURRAY-TR-0128
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1, May, 2001.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1, May, 2001.
Reliable and Real-Time Communication in the DEAR-COTS Architecture HURRAY-TR-0025
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1, Dec, 2000.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1, Dec, 2000.
A Toolkit for Reliable Communication in Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems HURRAY-TR-0022
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1, Oct, 2000.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1, Oct, 2000.
The DEAR-COTS Hard Real-Time Subsystem HURRAY-TR-0003
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques2nd Dear-Cots Workshop. 8, May, 2000. Lisbon, Portugal.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques2nd Dear-Cots Workshop. 8, May, 2000. Lisbon, Portugal.
Ethernet Goes Real-Time: a Survey on Research and Technological Developments HURRAY-TR-0001
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Jan, 2000.
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar, Francisco Vasques1, Jan, 2000.
Emerging technologies: Ethernet Goes Realtime HURRAY-BTR-9902
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1st Dear-COTS Workshop. 1, Oct, 1999. Porto, Portugal.
Mário Alves, Eduardo Tovar1st Dear-COTS Workshop. 1, Oct, 1999. Porto, Portugal.
Replica Management in Real-Time Ada 95 Applications HURRAY-TR-9918
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1st DEAR-COTS Workshop. 1, Jun, 1999. Porto, Portugal.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Francisco Vasques1st DEAR-COTS Workshop. 1, Jun, 1999. Porto, Portugal.