European Union, grant nr. 649673 H2020 Framework Programme (H2020-EE-2014-2015) 3 years (Feb 2015 to Jan 2018) http://www.energaware.eu/ | |
Summary: | The overall objective of the EnerGAware project is to reduce energy consumption and emissions between 15-30% in a sample of European social housing by changing the energy efficiency behaviour of the social tenants through the implementation of a serious game linked to the real energy use of the participants’ homes. The serious game to be developed and deployed in the EnerGAware project is expected to increase the social tenants’ understanding and awareness of the options for reducing energy consumption in residential buildings. The energy consumption of the social housing pilots, as well as the awareness, attitudes, engagement and self-reported behaviors of the social tenants, will be assessed both pre- and post-implementation of the serious game. The project will investigate whether a serious game integrated with the energy metering system of the home could encourage behavior change in the residential sector. We envision that, should the project indicate our approach to provide tangible benefits, the serious game could be distributed freely to energy customers by energy providers in the form of a free to download PC/laptop, tablet or smartphone application, as part of the European Smart Meter roll-out. |
Funding: | Global: 1.96MEUR, CISTER: 154KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Luis Miguel Pinho |
Gaming app from EnerGAware project released in app stores
The “Energy Cat : The House of Tomorrow” serious game, resulting from the European H2020 EnerGAware project was released in the iOS and Android App stores. In this simulation game, users learn to reduce energy consumption by making small changes in the household, the game can be connected to smart meters, providing rewards upon real-life energy savings. Within the project, CISTER was responsible for the development of a IoT middleware which connects the game with a electricity and gas metering interface in the pilot development of the project.
EnergyCat @ Teksapo
EnergyCat @TVI 24
EnerGAware project meeting
CISTER researcher António Barros participated in the EnerGAware project meeting, held in Troyes, France, February 14-16, hosted by partner FremenCorp. With the project entering in its final year, the first day of meeting focused on the project exploitation plan, in collaboration with an external consultant. Exploitation drive is on the project serious game, but plans are also being made for individual components of the overall architecture.
The following days were used to analyze the deployment of the game EnergyCat - The House of Tomorrow (beta version), in the pilot being performed in Plymouth, UK, a work package led by ISEP. The partners discussed the current status of integration between the game and the energy monitoring infrastructure that will provide the means to assess the real contribution of the game to modify domestic energy consumption habits.
The EnerGAware project - Serious Games for Energy Efficiency

Multiple Projects move ahead
Ramiro Robles attended the 12th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 7 Sensor Networks and the associated ISO workshop in September, in Singapore. The purpose of the event was to present the DEWI project and is part of the standardization activities of DEWI (dependable embedded wireless infrastructure). The project DEWI raised lots of interest in the ISO committee, especially in the 21 use-cases of DEWI as an example of the applicability of the ISO standard.
António Barros participated in the EnerGAware project meeting held in Plymouth, UK in September. CISTER leads WP4 which addresses the deployment of an energy (electricity and gas) monitoring infrastructure to determine baseline energy consumption and, in the future, to observe effects of the game on the energy saving habits of families (under development). CISTER defined, together with Advantic Systems (energy monitoring solution provider) and DCH (social housing organisation), a technical solution addressing the diversity of electricity and gas meters in the project. The deployment of this remote monitoring infrastructure will start in November.
Researchers Michele Albano and Luis Ferreira took part in the Arrowhead Multi-Work Package meeting in September in Brussels. The event discussed the preparation of the public workshop in Stockholm in December, joint discussion on open issues of Arrowhead architecture and definition of technical goals for generation 3 of Arrowhead project. CISTER has active participation in all the above items.
David Pereira participated in the EMC2 project meeting in Vienna in September. The main objective was to report the contribution of CISTER in the various work packages, and to discuss the next steps with the upcoming second year review.
EnerGAware Project Kicks-off in Barcelona
The kick-off meeting of the EnerGAware (Energy Game for Awareness of energy efficiency in social housing communities) project took place February 18-19, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. The kick-off meeting had the participation of representatives of the project partners as well as the Project Office, which will follow the project from the European Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME), which manages the Energy Efficiency topic of the challenge ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ of Horizon 2020. At the meeting CISTER was represented by Luis Miguel Pinho.
The EnerGAware project intends to achieve a 15-30% energy consumption and emissions reduction in a social housing pilot and increase the social tenants’ understanding and engagement in energy efficiency through the development of a serious game that will be linked to the actual energy consumption (smart meter data) of the game user’s home and embedded in social media and networking tools. The demonstrator pilot will be carried out in Plymouth, UK, with the participation of 100 homes.
One of the main focus of the meeting was the planning of the deployment of the energy monitoring infrastructure, a work package led by CISTER. In the first phase, the monitoring infrastructure will allow to collect pre-pilot data which will afterwards be used for comparison.
EnerGAware is led by the Group of Construction Research and Innovation of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. Other partners are the game developer Fremen Corp, France, the embedded platform provider Advantic SIS, Spain, the Building Performance Analysis and Sustainability group & the Psychology group of the Plymouth University, UK, the Devon and Cornwall social housing provider, UK, and the EDF Energy R&D UK Centre, UK. In parallel with the pilot integration work package, CISTER is also responsible for the design and implementation of the data collection and processing real-time middleware.
CISTER participates in H2020 project EnergAware accepted in highly competitive call

Paulo Barbosa, António Barros, Luis Miguel PinhoIECON 2017. 29, Oct to 1, Nov, 2017, 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), pp 8662-8667. Beijing, China.
Paulo Barbosa, António Barros, Luis Miguel PinhoPoster presented in INForum Simpósio de Informática 2017 (INForum 2017). 12 to 13, Oct, 2017. Aveiro, Portugal.