Project nr. 17611, ref. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017611 2 years (Oct 2016 to Sep 2018) | |
Summary: | Concepts such as “Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)” and “Internet of the Things (IoT)” boasted into the technology speech like a blizzard, touching those who use and interest themselves of technology almost as much as those developing it. Such concepts are not surprisingly more used than understood; more are those using the concepts than those actually understanding their implications. Surprisingly enough, the increase of use of technology by the population at large, makes that security is not the least well-known aspect, though still not fully grasped, however. Less well-known are the implications of complex systems working tightly coupled, with little or no human intervention, or the possibility of human intervention, whatsoever. In such a scenario, testing components individually, one-by-one, is not sufficient to assert the correct functioning of the overall system. KhronoSim aims at developing a platform for testing cyber-physical systems in closed-loop. A platform that is modular, extensible and usable in multiple application domains. A platform featuring hard-real-time control, enabling the integration of simulation models to build a closed loop test environment and allowing the use of physical and virtual systems alike. |
Funding: | Global: 566KEUR, CISTER: 87.9KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Luis Miguel Pinho |
KhronoSim Final Evaluation meeting in Coimbra
On July 24, CISTER Researcher Cláudio Maia attended the final evaluation meeting for the KhronoSim project.
In this meeting two evaluators assessed the project in terms of achieved objectives and results. After careful evaluation and discussion, the project was deemed a success as all the objectives for the project were achieved, resulting in the development of two demonstrators for the KhronoSim test platform: an automotive instrument cluster and a satellite.
In the project, among other tasks, the CISTER team was responsible for studying the state of the art of emulation for multicore systems and integrating the KhronoSim test platform with the selected emulator. The emulator selected for the project was QEMU, one of the most versatile emulators currently available in the market, on top of which CISTER developed the KhronoSim QEMU Module that allows one to instance, manage and control, via the KhronoSim platform, several QEMU instances.
Undergraduate student Renato Oliveira presented a talk on Emulation library for a CPS simulation platform

CISTER Researchers participated in the KhronoSim project meeting at Critical Software

Luis Miguel Pinho presented results of CISTER projects at HiPEAC 2018 conference in Manchester


KhronoSim project kicks off

The two year project is led by Critical Software and includes CISTER and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Coimbra (DEEC-UC). CISTER's role will be in the embedded real-time domain, in particular the challenges of testing and simulating multicore platforms.
Renato Oliveira, Manuel Meireles, Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Pinho1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS 2018). 15 to 18, May, 2018, pp 258-263. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Luis Miguel PinhoDemo in 6th International workshop on the “Integration of mixed-criticality subsystems on multi-core and manycore processors” (MCS 2018). 23, Jan, 2018, Embedded parallel architectures for mixed-criticality. Manchester.MCS 2018 was held as part of the High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation Conference (HiPEAC 2018), January 22-24, 2018.