Resource Management and Adaptation
CONET Cluster 4 years (Jun 2008 to May 2012) http://www.cooperating-objects.eu/research-clusters/cots-based-architecture-for-qos-in-large-scale-distributed-embedded-systems/ | |
Summary: | Introduction: The interaction of mobile cooperating systems is often subject to quality requirements regarding the timeliness and reliability of communication. The mobility of these systems, however, provides a significant challenge to these requirements since the interference situation can change constantly. Interference can be created by other mobile objects or by fixed networks using the same radio resources. Objectives: The key objective of the cluster is the development of mechanisms for reliable assessment of the current interference situation as a basis for dynamic resource adaptation that will provide better end-to-end system performance and quality of service. The adaptation process requires a cross-layer coordination of several protocol components like medium access control (MAC), packet scheduling, and others while satisfying external constraints like technology, fairness, transmission quality and legal constraints. Expected results: Generic framework into which different resource management and adaptation problems can be cast and in terms of which algorithms and resource allocation strategies can be expressed; Exemplary designs of resource adaptation schemes for large-scale mobility scenarios; Insights into theoretically and practically achievable end-to-end performance and quality of service over unrealiable multihop wireless connections or across multiple networks; Definition of test scenarios for purposes of simulation and of experiments to judge different allocation schemes on common ground. |
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