Grant nr. 737422 Call H2020-ECSEL-2016-2-IA-two-stage 3 years (May 2017 to Apr 2020) | |
Summary: | SCOTT will focus on wireless sensor and actuator networks and communication in the areas of mobility, building & home / smart infrastructure, production / industrial automation as well as health. This addresses numerous European societal challenges such as smart, green and integrated transport, secure and inclusive societies as well as health and wellbeing. SCOTT will enable efficient, trustworthy connectivity and facilitate ubiquity of intelligent embedded systems and systems of systems, thus essentially contributing to burning issues in Automated Vehicles, Aeronautics, and Industry 4.0. |
Funding: | Global: 39.7MEUR, CISTER: 73.7KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Eduardo Tovar |
Final Event of the SCOTT project
CISTER Researcher Ramiro Robles represented CISTER/ISEP in the final event of the European ECSEL project SCOTT (Secure Connected Trustable Things) that took place on the last two days of September 2020.
CISTER/ISEP is one of the leading partners of the project, being the leader of one technology line related to the reference architecture, the chair of the technical board of the project, and collaborator in the aeronautics, standardization, trust framework, and dissemination work-packages of the project. The preliminary outcome by the reviewers was highly positive, with details to come in a future document to be released by the project coordinators.
Journal Paper "A Space-Time Correlation Model for MRC Receivers in Rayleigh Fading Channels" published

Second year review meeting of the SCOTT project

General Assembly and F2F meeting of the project SCOTT in Gdansk, Poland

CISTER Researcher attended the F2F technical board meeting of the project SCOTT
Ramiro Robles represented CISTER/ISEP in the F2F technical board meeting of the project SCOTT held at the premises of our partner NXP in Munich, Germany on the 7th of February 2019.
This meeting was mainly focused on how the different WPs and Technology lines of the project will answer the comments of the reviewers provided in the official feedback after the first year of the project. In addition, the meeting was also focused on refining the impact and exploitation definition of the project highlighting the main measurable outcomes expected of the project and how we will achieve the target values.
CISTER/ISEP acted as the chair of the technical board, leader of the reference architecture of the project and representative of the aeronautics domain.
Ramiro Robles participated in the SCOTT General Assembly
From the 16th until the 18th of October, 2018, the SCOTT project consortium gathered in the city of Cork Ireland for a face-to-face and general assembly meetings. This is the third GA of the project and the second in 2018. This meeting was mainly used to keep track of the progress and to analyze the feedback from the reviewers after the meeting in Brussels in September 2018. CISTER/ISEP plays a key role in the project as leader of the technology line of the reference architecture, chair of the technical board, and co-lead of the aeronautics use case. SCOTT aims to build trust in IoT solutions for 5 different industrial domains: aeronautics, automotive, railway, building, and healthcare. SCOTT uses the concept of the Bubble to enhanced backwards compatibility with existing domain infrastructure, encapsulating these underlying technologies with a modern IoT interoperable and cross-domain cloud application environment with enhanced security, safety and trust.
Ramiro Robles participated in the SCOTT project review
Ramiro Robles was present in the first year project review meeting in Brussels. The review meeting was preceded by a rehearsal meeting with all the representatives of the different domains, and industrial partners. The preliminary feedback was very positive and the work in the reference architecture and aeronautics domain lead by ISEP received positive comments.
Ramiro Robles participated in the ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC41 meeting in Berlin
Ramiro Robles participated in the ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC41 meeting in Berlin, at the premises of the German standardization authority (DIN), where the SCOTT-ISO liaison between WG5 and the project SCOTT was accepted.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41/WG5 is the working group in charge of the Internet of Things technology and applications. This activity is part of the standardization strategy of project SCOTT (Secure Connected Trustable Things).
CISTER holds General Assembly of Project on Security, Trust and Privacy of Industrial IoT

Key European players will discuss Secure and Trustable Industrial IoT in CISTER
CISTER is proud to announce it will be the host of the first general meeting of the ECSEL project SCOTT (Secured COnnected Trustable Things) in October. SCOTT is one of the largest European research projects focusing on important aspects of trustability, dependability, security, privacy, and safety of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
SCOTT has a consortium of large European industrial partners such as Volvo, INDRA, Ericsson, AVL, NXP, Nokia, and Phillips that together with a team of leading academic partners aim to leverage the IIoT and related technologies across European industries. Such technologies include: wireless sensor networks, RFID, machine to machine communications, cloud computing, Big data, software-defined networks, and 5G. The general meeting will also host the technical board and strategic board meeting, as well as the official general assembly and workshops of the different technology lines and building blocks of the project.
CISTER has a relevant role in the project as chair of the technical board, member of the core team and strategic board. CISTER is also the leading partner of the reference architecture design, one of the main partners in the aeronautical industrial domain, and a contributing partner in standardisation, certification and regulation.
Start of European Project SCOTT: Building Trust in the Internet of Things
Creating trust in wireless solutions and increasing their social acceptance are major challenges to achieve the full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT).
SCOTT aims to extend the IoT for wirelessly connected smart sensor and actuators to be used in mobility, building & home / smart infrastructure, and health domains. It will not just deal with “things that are connected”, but with “trustable things that securely communicate”. SCOTT will therefore enable efficient, trustworthy connectivity and facilitate ubiquity of intelligent embedded systems and systems of systems.
The SCOTT consortium includes European industrial leaders such as NOKIA, SIEMENS, Bosch, Ericsson, NXP, Embraer, Philips, AVL, GMVSkysoft, ACCIONA and INDRA and a number of leading academic institutions in Europe.
CISTER researchers Eduardo Tovar and Ramiro Robles participated in the kick-off meeting of SCOTT project, held in Graz, Austria, in May. CISTER is a member of the core team members of SCOTT. CISTER has a number of core roles including: project leader for the reference architecture for the development of the guidelines of the infrastructure design; co-leader (together with Embraer) of the effort on aeronautics and member of the SCOTT Strategic Board, along with the project leader (Virtual-Vehicle) and all the 17 Large Enterprises (LEs).
CISTER successful in ECSEL call

Productive 4.0 will take a step forward towards a hands-on approach and practical implementations focusing on three main product lifecycle pillars of Digital Production (DP), Supply Chain Networks (SCN) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). The results, such as IoT components modelling and simulation methods as well as toolchains for cross-lifecycle and cross domain digitization, will be suitable means for linking all stages of a product lifecycle.
Ramiro Roblestechnologies, Article No 41, MDPI. 1, Aug, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 1-16.
Ramiro RoblesTechnologies, Article No 22, MDPI. 13, Feb, 2019, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 1-16.
Ramiro Robles, Jose NevesAda User Journal. Dec 2018, Volume 39, Issue 4, pp 267-276. Portugal.Paper presented at DecPS 2018 (held in conjunction with Ada-Europe 2018, 18-22 June, Lisbon, Portugal).
Ramiro Robles, Júlio C. Viana, João Loureiro, João Cintra, André Rocha, Eduardo TovarMicroprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO), Elsevier. 2018, Volume 61, pp 279-295.
Ramiro RoblesInternational Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems, IARIA. 31, Dec, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 3 and 4, pp 186-195.
Shashank Gaur, Luís Almeida, Eduardo Tovar, Radha Reddy24th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019). 10 to 13, Sep, 2019, pp 1009-1016. Zaragoza, Spain.
Ramiro RoblesWorkshop on Secure and trustable wirelessly connected industrial IoT (STWCI-IOT). 10, Sep, 2019, pp 1790-1795. Zaragoza, Spain.This workshop is being held in conjunction with ETFA 2019.
Shashank Gaur, Luís Almeida, Eduardo Tovar34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2019). 8 to 12, Apr, 2019, Cyber Physical Systems, pp 229-235. Limassol, Cyprus.