Konstantinos Bletsas (Publications)
Integrated PhD Researcher
Konstantinos Bletsas (born in 1978 in Greece) has a Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering (2002) from the Technical University of Crete (Chania, Greece) and a PhD in Computer Science (2007) from the University of York (UK). He joined the CISTER research unit in 2007. His main research focus is on multiprocessor and/or mixed-criticality scheduling algorithms and their timing analysis. He is currently serving as Associate Editor for "Real-Time Systems", the flagship journal in the area, and has also served the technical program committees of top-impact conferences in the core real time area, such as ECRTS (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2021), IEEE RTAS (2016), RTCSA (2018, 2019) and RTSS (2017, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024). He has also supervised one completed PhD and is main supervisor and co-supervisor of two other ongoing PhDs.
Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro F. Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Ã…kesson, Eduardo TovarReal-Time Systems, Springer. Apr 2021, Volume 57, pp 141-189.
Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Eduardo TovarInternational Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS) (ICESS). 14 to 15, Dec, 2021, Mixed-Criticality Embedded Systems. Shanghai, Australia.
Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Eduardo Tovar1st CERCIRAS workshop. 2, Sep, 2021. Novi Sad, Serbia.https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3145/short14.pdf