Raghu R. (Publications)
PhD IIT Bombay, India
Collaborator PhD Researcher
Collaborator PhD Researcher
September 2013 - December 2018
Raghu received his PhD from IIT Bombay in 2009. He was at Motorola Labs Bangalore, since 2008, working on protocol analysis in data wireless networks. After leaving the labs, he started a firm consulting in wireless systems design and development.
He is currently at CISTER, ISEP, Porto. His areas of interest include architecting and building sensor network systems and especially, developing low cost solutions using open standards and COTS.
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Books & Book Chapters
Experiments with XDense: A Dense Grid Sensor Network for Distributed Feature Extraction CISTER-TR-170704
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarChapter in "Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 702)", Springer International. 12, Jul, 2017, pp 1-22.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarChapter in "Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 702)", Springer International. 12, Jul, 2017, pp 1-22.
Journal Papers
Extensive Analysis of a Real-Time Dense Wired Sensor Network Based on Traffic Shaping CISTER-TR-190710
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Borislav Nikolic, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), Article No 27, ACM New York, NY, USA. 1, Aug, 2019, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp 27:1-27:27.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Borislav Nikolic, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), Article No 27, ACM New York, NY, USA. 1, Aug, 2019, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp 27:1-27:27.
Feature Extraction in Densely Sensed Environments: Extensions to Multiple Broadcast Domains CISTER-TR-150704
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Article ID 457537, Hindawi. 2015, Volume 2015, 21 pages.
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Article ID 457537, Hindawi. 2015, Volume 2015, 21 pages.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Real-Time Dense Wired Sensor Network Based on Traffic Shaping CISTER-TR-170602
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Borislav Nikolic, Leandro Indrusiak, Eduardo Tovar23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2017). 16 to 18, Aug, 2017. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Borislav Nikolic, Leandro Indrusiak, Eduardo Tovar23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2017). 16 to 18, Aug, 2017. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Simulation Module and Tools for XDense Sensor Network CISTER-TR-170401
João Loureiro, Pedro José Santos, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarWorkshop on NS-3 (WNS3'17). 13 to 14, Jun, 2017, pp 110-117. Porto, Portugal.
João Loureiro, Pedro José Santos, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarWorkshop on NS-3 (WNS3'17). 13 to 14, Jun, 2017, pp 110-117. Porto, Portugal.
Extending T-Res with mobility for context-aware IoT CISTER-TR-160205
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar1st IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2016). 4 to 8, Apr, 2016, I4T Workshop. Berlin, Germany.
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar1st IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2016). 4 to 8, Apr, 2016, I4T Workshop. Berlin, Germany.
Distributed Sensing of Fluid Dynamic Phenomena with the XDense Sensor Grid Network CISTER-TR-150602
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarIEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Networks and Applications (CPSNA'15). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015. Hong Kong, China.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarIEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Networks and Applications (CPSNA'15). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015. Hong Kong, China.
XDense: A Dense Grid Sensor Network for Distributed Feature Extraction CISTER-TR-150401
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarXXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2015). 15 to 19, May, 2015, III Workshop de Comunicação em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos. Vitória, Brasil.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarXXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2015). 15 to 19, May, 2015, III Workshop de Comunicação em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos. Vitória, Brasil.
Co-RPL: RPL Routing for Mobile Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks using Corona Mechanism CISTER-TR-140524
Olfa Gaddoura, Anis Koubâa, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2014). 15 to 17, Jun, 2014, pp 200-209. Italy.
Olfa Gaddoura, Anis Koubâa, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2014). 15 to 17, Jun, 2014, pp 200-209. Italy.
XDense: A Sensor Network for Extreme Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-131203
João Loureiro, Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raghu R.34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2013). 3 to 6, Dec, 2013, Work-In-Progress Session.
João Loureiro, Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raghu R.34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2013). 3 to 6, Dec, 2013, Work-In-Progress Session.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
Automated resource allocation for T-Res CISTER-TR-160209
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarDemo in Demo Session, 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '16). 11 to 14, Apr, 2016. Vienna.
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarDemo in Demo Session, 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '16). 11 to 14, Apr, 2016. Vienna.
A module for the XDense architecture in ns-3 CISTER-TR-150409
João Loureiro, Michele Albano, Tiago Cerqueira, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarDemo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.
João Loureiro, Michele Albano, Tiago Cerqueira, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarDemo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.
XDense: A Dense Grid Sensor Network for Distributed Feature Extraction CISTER-TR-180414
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Bringing Context-awareness to wireless sensor networks CISTER-TR-180407
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Shashank Gaur, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Towards the Development of XDense, A Sensor Network for Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-150306
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015, pp 23-24. Porto, Portugal.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015, pp 23-24. Porto, Portugal.