Mobility mAnagement in wireless Sensor networks under Quality-of-service constraints using standard and Off-The-Shelf technologies
FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014922 PTDC/EEA-TEL/112220/2009 42 months (Feb 2011 to Jun 2014) | |
Summary: | MASQOTS aims at real-time and reliable communications in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee (15.4/ZigBee, for short) Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) supporting physical mobility. Physical mobility concerns mobile sensor/actuator nodes and node groups (e.g. body sensor networks (BSNs), robots), and also mobile sinks (e.g. gateways, user-interface equipment).
A growing set of WSN applications impose timeliness, reliability and mobility requirements. One relevant example is patients’ health monitoring systems in hospitals. There is an eagerness to have hospitals covered by WSN infrastructures and patients/medical staff to wear BSNs. Patients wear BSNs to be monitored (vital signs) and tracked, even while moving between rooms. Medical staff wears BSNs be tracked and warned about emergency situations and to measure stress levels. WSN-based patient monitoring systems have enormous social and economical benefits, drawing great investments from companies and funding agencies (e.g. NSF, EC) worldwide. These systems have the potential to reduce the number of patients’ deaths, the number of patients in Intensive Care Units and requiring transfer from peripheral to central hospitals, the stress levels of medical staff and patients’ families and “bed-side cabling”. They also enable patients’ mobility, but impose reliable and real-time communications. Despite the ongoing efforts to standardize BSNs (namely IEEE 802.15.6), most commercial and academic solutions build upon ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) based protocols such as IEEE 802.11/WiFi and 15.4/ZigBee. Due to the relatively high number/density of sensing/communicating nodes in these applications, low-power low-cost WSN/BSN seem to be the appropriate approach. However, existing solutions do not support scalable, low-power, low-cost, reliable, real-time and mobile communications, which we aim at. The main objective of this project is to desing a real-time and reliable mobility management mechanism for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee-based WSNs. We will build upon the most widespread WSN technologies – the 15.4 and ZigBee protocols and the TinyOS operating system (OS) – for which the research team in this proposal is international leader. OnWorld predicts that in 2012, 88.3% of the WSN units will be standards-based. Freescale reports over 7 million 15.4/ZigBee units sold in 2008 and In-Stat forecasts 292 million units in 2012. TinyOS is the most used OS for WSNs. Supporting reliable and real-time communications in WSNs is challenging. Radio interference, environmental characteristics and nodes mobility turn radio links unpredictable, leading to message error/losses. This is more acute for low-cost low-power nodes operating in an increasingly crowded 2.4 GHz ISM band (e.g. WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, cordless phones, microwave ovens). Encompassing physical mobility under stringent reliability and timeliness requirements is even harder. Existing works on 15.4/ZigBee-based WSNs supporting physical mobility are either inconclusive or have timeliness and reliability problems. MASQOTS will address some fundamental (not yet solved) problems, such as the ones related to reliable Radio Link Quality Estimation (LQE), efficient and dynamic resource management, reliable and time-bounded handoff and re-association mechanisms and the provision of (simulation, analytical) models/tools for WSN analysis and dimensioning. |
Funding: | Global: 94.8KEUR, CISTER: 94.8KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Mário Alves |
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Fast mobility support in low-power wireless networks: smart-HOP over RPL/6LoWPAN CISTER-TR-130703
Daniel MoreiraMaster Thesis. 11, Jul, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Daniel MoreiraMaster Thesis. 11, Jul, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
On the implications of Interference models for low-power wireless networks CISTER-TR-140708
Maher MekkiMaster Thesis. 15, Aug, 2012. Tunis.This work was performed in the CISTER research unit, Porto, Portugal.
Maher MekkiMaster Thesis. 15, Aug, 2012. Tunis.This work was performed in the CISTER research unit, Porto, Portugal.
Evaluation of smart-HOP: a handoff approach for mobile wireless sensor networks CISTER-TR-140206
Meriam ThamriMaster Thesis. Aug 2012. Tunis, Tunisa.
Meriam ThamriMaster Thesis. Aug 2012. Tunis, Tunisa.
Books & Book Chapters
IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee as enabling technologies for low-power wireless systems with quality-of-service constraints CISTER-TR-131103
Stefano Tennina, Anis Koubâa, Roberta Daidone, Mário Alves, Petr Jurcik, Ricardo Severino, Marco Tiloca, Jan-Hinrich Hauer, Nuno Pereira, Gianluca Dini, Melanie Bouroche, Eduardo TovarSpringer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Oct 2013, 97 pages.
Stefano Tennina, Anis Koubâa, Roberta Daidone, Mário Alves, Petr Jurcik, Ricardo Severino, Marco Tiloca, Jan-Hinrich Hauer, Nuno Pereira, Gianluca Dini, Melanie Bouroche, Eduardo TovarSpringer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Oct 2013, 97 pages.
Radio link quality estimation in low-power wireless networks CISTER-TR-131102
Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Zuniga, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Roemer, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Luca MottolaSpringer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Jul 2013, 147 pages.
Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Zuniga, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Roemer, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Luca MottolaSpringer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Jul 2013, 147 pages.
Journal Papers
mRPL+: A mobility management framework in RPL/6LoWPAN CISTER-TR-170303
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves, Patrick Meumeu YomsiComputer Communications (COMCOM), Elsevier. 2017, Volume 104, pp 34-54.
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves, Patrick Meumeu YomsiComputer Communications (COMCOM), Elsevier. 2017, Volume 104, pp 34-54.
mRPL: Boosting mobility in the Internet of Things CISTER-TR-141103
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves
ABSTRACT Additional Files: Code
Journal on Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier. Mar 2015, Volume 26, pp 17-35.(impact factor 1.943)Reliable and fast hand-offs in low-power wireless networks CISTER-TR-140501
Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Marco Zuniga, Anis KoubâaIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), IEEE. Nov 2014, Volume 13, Issue 11, pp 2620-2633.
Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Marco Zuniga, Anis KoubâaIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), IEEE. Nov 2014, Volume 13, Issue 11, pp 2620-2633.
Radio Link Quality Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks: a Survey HURRAY-TR-121202
Noucha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Luca Mottola, Marco Zuniga, Habib Youssef, Carlo Alberto Boano, Mário AlvesACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), ACM New York. Sep 2012, Volume 8, Issue 4. U.S.A..Article 34
Noucha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Luca Mottola, Marco Zuniga, Habib Youssef, Carlo Alberto Boano, Mário AlvesACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), ACM New York. Sep 2012, Volume 8, Issue 4. U.S.A..Article 34
Quantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-110801J
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Thiemo Voigt, Carlo Alberto BoanoACM SIGBED Review - Special Issue on the 10th International Workshop on Real-time Networks (RTN 2011) (ACM SIGBED Rev), ACM New York. Dec 2011, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 43-48. U.S.A..
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Thiemo Voigt, Carlo Alberto BoanoACM SIGBED Review - Special Issue on the 10th International Workshop on Real-time Networks (RTN 2011) (ACM SIGBED Rev), ACM New York. Dec 2011, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 43-48. U.S.A..
RadiaLE: A framework for designing and assessing link quality estimators in wireless sensor networks HURRAY-TR-110601
Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Maissa ben Jamâa, Denis Rosário, Habib Youssef, Mário Alves, Leandro BeckerAd Hoc Networks Journal, Elsevier. Sep 2011, Volume 9, Issue 7, pp 1165-1185.
Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Maissa ben Jamâa, Denis Rosário, Habib Youssef, Mário Alves, Leandro BeckerAd Hoc Networks Journal, Elsevier. Sep 2011, Volume 9, Issue 7, pp 1165-1185.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
On the Scalability of Constructive Interference in Low-Power Wireless Networks CISTER-TR-140525
Claro Noda, Carlos Pérez-Penichet, Balint Seeber, Marco Zennaro, Mário Alves, Adriano Moreira12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Claro Noda, Carlos Pérez-Penichet, Balint Seeber, Marco Zennaro, Mário Alves, Adriano Moreira12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Monitoring large scale IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee based Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-131101
Stefano Tennina, Olfa Gaddoura, Fernando Royo, Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves7th European ZigBee Developers' Conference. 6 to 7, Nov, 2013. Munich, Germany.
Stefano Tennina, Olfa Gaddoura, Fernando Royo, Anis Koubâa, Mário Alves7th European ZigBee Developers' Conference. 6 to 7, Nov, 2013. Munich, Germany.
On Packet Size and Error Correction Optimisations in Low-Power Wireless Networks CISTER-TR-131001
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Thiemo Voigt10th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensing and Communication in Wireless Networks (SECON 2013), IEEE. 24 to 27, Jun, 2013, pp 212-220. New Orleans, LA, U.S.A..
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Thiemo Voigt10th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensing and Communication in Wireless Networks (SECON 2013), IEEE. 24 to 27, Jun, 2013, pp 212-220. New Orleans, LA, U.S.A..
Smart-HOP: A Reliable Handoff Mechanism for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-120202
Hossein Fotouhi, Marco Zúñiga, Mário Alves, Anis Koubâa, Pedro Marrón9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2012), Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 15 to 17, Feb, 2012, 7158, pp 131-146. Trento, Italy.
Hossein Fotouhi, Marco Zúñiga, Mário Alves, Anis Koubâa, Pedro Marrón9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2012), Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 15 to 17, Feb, 2012, 7158, pp 131-146. Trento, Italy.
Quantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-110801
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Thiemo Voigt, Carlo Alberto Boanothe 10th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2011). 5, Jul, 2011. Porto, Portugal.
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Thiemo Voigt, Carlo Alberto Boanothe 10th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2011). 5, Jul, 2011. Porto, Portugal.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
Smart-HOP: A Reliable Handoff Procedure for Supporting Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-110202
Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Anis Koubâa, Marco ZunigaPoster presented in the 8th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2011). 23 to 25, Feb, 2011. Bonn, Germany.
Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Anis Koubâa, Marco ZunigaPoster presented in the 8th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2011). 23 to 25, Feb, 2011. Bonn, Germany.
Technical Reports
Mobile IoT: smart-HOP over RPL CISTER-TR-140709
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves16, Jul, 2014.
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves16, Jul, 2014.
Reliable and fast hand-offs in low-power wireless networks (extended paper) CISTER-TR-140205
Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Marco Zuniga, Anis Koubâa14, Feb, 2014.
Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Marco Zuniga, Anis Koubâa14, Feb, 2014.