Densely Instrumented Physical Infrastructures
FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020312 PTDC/EEA-ELC/121753/2010 3 years (Mar 2012 to Feb 2015) | |
Summary: | Although the information technology transformation of the 20th century appeared revolutionary, a bigger change is on the horizon. The term Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has come to describe the research and technological effort that will ultimately allow the interlinking of the real-world physical objects and the cyberspace efficiently. The integration of physical processes and computing is not new. Embedded systems have been in place for a long time and these systems often combine physical processes with computing. The revolution will come from massively networked embedded computing devices, which will allow instrumenting the physical world with pervasive networks of sensor-rich embedded computation. As Moore's law continues, the cost of a single embedded computer equipped with sensing, processing and communication capabilities drops toward zero. This makes it economically feasible to densely deploy networks of very large quantities of such nodes to take a very large number of sensor readings from the physical world and compute quantities and take decisions out of those sensor readings or computed quantities. Very dense networks offer a better resolution of the physical world and therefore a better capability of detecting the occurrence of an event; and this is of paramount importance for a number of foreseeable applications. Structural health monitoring (SHM) of physical infrastructures (bridges, aircrafts, etc.) is an example of applications where measurements at fine spatial scales are required. Other more or less futuristic CPS applications can however be mentioned. Take the example of the ongoing efforts within the aircraft industry to respond to environmental concerns by developing technologies that will allow sustained air travel growth whilst minimizing overall carbon footprint. Active flow control, achieved through local modulation of aircraft skin surfaces, is such of one, yet to be seen, technological developments with the potential to offer significant reduction of drag and related fuel consumption and emissions. However, implementing such an active flow control system requires thousands of sensor/controller/actuator systems to be embedded across the aircraft wings and fuselage to create an active aircraft. This example opens our minds to a plethora of other more or less futuristic applications of smart skins / structures to other physical objects ranging from cars (think about controlling safety devices upon an impact by using a high-resolution sensing of the way the vehicle structures are deforming) to bridges or buildings (think about an active skin that adapts to atmospheric conditions or other external factors to save energy, reduce vibrations, react to earth quakes, reduce aging, etc.). Currently available approaches for data processing in such large-scale dense deployments lead to energy-waste and long response-times from sensing to actuation. This project will rectify that. We want to develop techniques and technologies that allow performing scalable and efficient data processing in large-scale dense cyber-physical systems. This is yet an unsolved problem. The major novelty of this proposal is effectively in the co-design of distributed algorithms for sensor data processing and underlying networked distributed computing systems with corresponding resource management schemes such that the utilization of resources is low. |
Funding: | Global: 141KEUR, CISTER: 141KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Leaders: | ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Eduardo Tovar |
20, Oct, 2017
Portuguese Aeronautics, Space and Defence Cluster visits CISTER

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Efficient Aggregate Computations in Large-Scale Dense Wireless Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-100905
Nuno PereiraPhD Thesis. 10, Sep, 2010. Braga, Portugal.
Nuno PereiraPhD Thesis. 10, Sep, 2010. Braga, Portugal.
Books & Book Chapters
Experiments with a Sensing Platform for High Visibility of the Data Center CISTER-TR-131206
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Pedro José Santos, Eduardo TovarChapter in "Internet of Things Based on Smart Objects", Springer International Publishing. 2014, pp 181-198. Switzerland.
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Pedro José Santos, Eduardo TovarChapter in "Internet of Things Based on Smart Objects", Springer International Publishing. 2014, pp 181-198. Switzerland.
Journal Papers
Feature Extraction in Densely Sensed Environments: Extensions to Multiple Broadcast Domains CISTER-TR-150704
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Article ID 457537, Hindawi. 2015, Volume 2015, 21 pages.
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), Article ID 457537, Hindawi. 2015, Volume 2015, 21 pages.
Using a Prioritized Medium Access Control Protocol for Incrementally Obtaining an Interpolation of Sensor Readings HURRAY-TR-110101
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Ricardo F. T. Gomes1, Feb, 2011.Solutions on Embedded Systems, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol. 81, ISBN 978-94-007-0637-8, 2011.
Björn Andersson, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Ricardo F. T. Gomes1, Feb, 2011.Solutions on Embedded Systems, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol. 81, ISBN 978-94-007-0637-8, 2011.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
XDense: A Dense Grid Sensor Network for Distributed Feature Extraction CISTER-TR-150401
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarXXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2015). 15 to 19, May, 2015, III Workshop de Comunicação em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos. Vitória, Brasil.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarXXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2015). 15 to 19, May, 2015, III Workshop de Comunicação em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos. Vitória, Brasil.
Bringing Context Awareness to IoT-Based Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-150106
Shashank GaurIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). 23 to 27, Mar, 2015, PhD Forum. Saint Louis, U.S.A..
Shashank GaurIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). 23 to 27, Mar, 2015, PhD Forum. Saint Louis, U.S.A..
Co-RPL: RPL Routing for Mobile Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks using Corona Mechanism CISTER-TR-140524
Olfa Gaddoura, Anis Koubâa, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2014). 15 to 17, Jun, 2014, pp 200-209. Italy.
Olfa Gaddoura, Anis Koubâa, Raghu R., Eduardo Tovar9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2014). 15 to 17, Jun, 2014, pp 200-209. Italy.
Feature Extraction in Densely Sensed Environments CISTER-TR-140513
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Eduardo TovarIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2014), IEEE. 27, May, 2014. Marina Del Rey, U.S.A..
Maryam Vahabi, Vikram Gupta, Michele Albano, Eduardo TovarIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2014), IEEE. 27, May, 2014. Marina Del Rey, U.S.A..
XDense: A Sensor Network for Extreme Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-131203
João Loureiro, Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raghu R.34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2013). 3 to 6, Dec, 2013, Work-In-Progress Session.
João Loureiro, Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raghu R.34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2013). 3 to 6, Dec, 2013, Work-In-Progress Session.
A Self-Adaptive Approximate Interpolation Scheme for Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-140512
Maryam Vahabi, Eduardo Tovar, Michele AlbanoWork in Progress Session, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2013), IEEE. 19, Jun, 2013, pp 105-109. Porto, Portugal.
Maryam Vahabi, Eduardo Tovar, Michele AlbanoWork in Progress Session, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2013), IEEE. 19, Jun, 2013, pp 105-109. Porto, Portugal.
A Sensing Platform for High Visibility of the Datacenter CISTER-TR-130502
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Pedro José Santos, Eduardo Tovar4th International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects for Smart Cities 2013 (CONET/UBICITEC 2013). 8, Apr, 2013. Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A..
João Loureiro, Nuno Pereira, Pedro José Santos, Eduardo Tovar4th International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects for Smart Cities 2013 (CONET/UBICITEC 2013). 8, Apr, 2013. Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A..
Networked Embedded Systems for Active Flow Control in Aircraft HURRAY-TR-120702
Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Iain Bate, Leandro Indrusiak, Sérgio Penna, José Negrão, Júlio C. Viana, François Philipp, Dirk Mayer, José Heras, Filipe Pacheco, João Loureiro11th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2012). 10, Jul, 2012. Pisa, Italy.
Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Iain Bate, Leandro Indrusiak, Sérgio Penna, José Negrão, Júlio C. Viana, François Philipp, Dirk Mayer, José Heras, Filipe Pacheco, João Loureiro11th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2012). 10, Jul, 2012. Pisa, Italy.
Scalable Data Acquisition for Densely Instrumented Cyber-Physical Systems HURRAY-TR-110111
Aida Ehyaei, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Björn AnderssonIEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2011), IEEE. 12 to 14, Apr, 2011, pp 174-183. Chicago, IL, U.S.A..
Aida Ehyaei, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira, Björn AnderssonIEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2011), IEEE. 12 to 14, Apr, 2011, pp 174-183. Chicago, IL, U.S.A..
Elements of Scalable Data Processing HURRAY-TR-100510
Björn Andersson, Paulo Gandra de Sousa, Filipe Pacheco, Vinny Reynolds, Panayiotis Andreou, Pedro J. Marrón, Pedro J. Marrón9th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2010). 6, Jul, 2010. Brussels, Belgium.In conjunction with the 22th Euromicro Intl Conference on Real-Time Systems, July 7-9
Björn Andersson, Paulo Gandra de Sousa, Filipe Pacheco, Vinny Reynolds, Panayiotis Andreou, Pedro J. Marrón, Pedro J. Marrón9th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2010). 6, Jul, 2010. Brussels, Belgium.In conjunction with the 22th Euromicro Intl Conference on Real-Time Systems, July 7-9
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
A module for the XDense architecture in ns-3 CISTER-TR-150409
João Loureiro, Michele Albano, Tiago Cerqueira, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarDemo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.
João Loureiro, Michele Albano, Tiago Cerqueira, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarDemo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.
Towards the Development of XDense, A Sensor Network for Dense Sensing CISTER-TR-150306
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015, pp 23-24. Porto, Portugal.
João Loureiro, Raghu R., Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015, pp 23-24. Porto, Portugal.
A Modular Programming Approach for IoT-Based Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-150105
Shashank Gaur, Nuno Pereira, Vikram Gupta, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Network (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Shashank Gaur, Nuno Pereira, Vikram Gupta, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Network (EWSN 2015). 9 to 11, Feb, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
A Harmony of Sensors: Achieving Determinism in Multi-Application Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-140623
Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raj RajkumarPoster presented in 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'14). 15 to 17, Apr, 2014, pp 299-300. Berlin, Germany.
Vikram Gupta, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar, Raj RajkumarPoster presented in 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'14). 15 to 17, Apr, 2014, pp 299-300. Berlin, Germany.
Technical Reports
Data Gathering Approach in Dense Sensor Networks HURRAY-TR-121003
Maryam Vahabi, Eduardo Tovar12, Oct, 2012.
Maryam Vahabi, Eduardo Tovar12, Oct, 2012.
Scalable and Efficient Data Processing in Networked Control Systems HURRAY-TR-101004
Aida Ehyaei, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira8, Oct, 2010.
Aida Ehyaei, Eduardo Tovar, Nuno Pereira8, Oct, 2010.