Muhammad Ali Awan (Publications)
Integrated PhD Researcher
Muhammad Ali Awan received his Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering from National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Pakistan in 2005. He completed his Master's Degree in 2007 from Royal Institute of Technology(KTH) Sweden in System on Chip Design with a focus on Digital System Design and Embedded Systems. He worked as Lecturer in NUST from 2007 to 2008. Afterwards, he joined IMEC Belgium as a researcher for two years and focused on High Level Memory Management issues.
He joined CISTER Research Center in 2010 and enrolled as a PhD candidate in University of Porto Portugal. During his four years of PhD program, he participated in a research on "Real-Time Power Management on Partitioned Multicores". His research interests include real-time scheduling theory, energy-aware scheduling, heterogeneous multicore architecture design and exploration, low-power digital design and system-on-chip design methodology and resource-aware system optimizations.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo TovarDagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS), Article No 5, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. 2018, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 5:1-5:3.
Konstantinos Bletsas, Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Alan Burns, Eduardo Tovar6th International Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems (WMC 2018). 11, Dec, 2018, pp 25-30. Nashville, U.S.A..WMC 2018 was held as part of RTSS 2018, Nashville, USA, 11-14 December.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar24th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2018). 28 to 31, Aug, 2018, Session 4: Support for Predictability, pp 111-117. Hakodate, Japan.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018). 3 to 6, Jul, 2018, pp 2:1-2:22. Barcelona, Spain.Volume 106
Muhammad Ali Awan, Pedro Souto, Konstantinos Bletsas, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo TovarDesign, Automation and Test in Europe 2018 (DATE 2018). 19 to 23, Mar, 2018, pp 1277-1282. Dresden, Germany.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Konstantinos Bletsas, Pedro Souto, Benny Åkesson, Eduardo Tovar28, Aug, 2018.