Patrick Meumeu Yomsi (Publications)
PhD Université Paris Sud, France
Research Centre Board of Directors Member
Integrated PhD Researcher
Research Centre Board of Directors Member
Integrated PhD Researcher
Patrick Meumeu Yomsi received his Ph.D. degree in 2009 from the Université Paris Sud, Orsay in France. After his degree, he worked in a number of research projects addressing various aspects of real-time computing systems. He was successively a member of AOSTE Research Unit at the French National Institute in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) in Paris Rocquencourt, France, then a member of PARTS Research Unit at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Brussels, Belgium, and finally a member of TRIO Research Unit at INRIA in Nancy, France. He is currently a Research Scientist at CISTER Research Unit at ISEP/IPP. His research interests include real-time scheduling theory, real-time communication and real-time operating systems.
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Books & Book Chapters
Manycore Platforms CISTER-TR-180706
Andrea Marongiu, Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu YomsiChapter in "High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing", River Publishers. 1, Jul, 2018, pp 15-32.Open Access
Andrea Marongiu, Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu YomsiChapter in "High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing", River Publishers. 1, Jul, 2018, pp 15-32.Open Access
Timing Analysis Methodology CISTER-TR-180707
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel PinhoChapter in "High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing", River Publishers. 1, Jul, 2018, pp 113-144, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144, ,.Open Access
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel PinhoChapter in "High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing", River Publishers. 1, Jul, 2018, pp 113-144, 144, 144, 144, 144, 144, ,.Open Access
Journal Papers
Worst-Case Traversal Time Analysis of TSN with Multi-level Preemption CISTER-TR-210208
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Borislav NicolicJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Article No 102079, Elsevier. 3, Mar, 2021, Volume 116, Issue 2021, pp 1-15.
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Borislav NicolicJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Article No 102079, Elsevier. 3, Mar, 2021, Volume 116, Issue 2021, pp 1-15.
Routing heuristics for load-balanced transmission in TSN-based networks CISTER-TR-200112
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu YomsiACM Sigbed Review, ACM. Dec 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 20-25.Special Issue on International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 19)
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu YomsiACM Sigbed Review, ACM. Dec 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 20-25.Special Issue on International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 19)
Wearable Sensors Based Remote Patient Monitoring using IoT and Data Analytics CISTER-TR-191001
Jatin Arora, Patrick Meumeu YomsiU.Porto Journal of Engineering, FEUP. 2019, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 34-45.
Jatin Arora, Patrick Meumeu YomsiU.Porto Journal of Engineering, FEUP. 2019, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 34-45.
Multi-Factor Authentication and Fingerprint-based Debit Card System CISTER-TR-190102
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu YomsiU.Porto Journal of Engineering, FEUP. 2019, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 19-28.
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu YomsiU.Porto Journal of Engineering, FEUP. 2019, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 19-28.
Multiprocessor Scheduling meets the Industrial Wireless: A brief review CISTER-TR-190104
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Patrick Meumeu YomsiU.Porto Journal of Engineering, FEUP. 2019, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 59-76.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Patrick Meumeu YomsiU.Porto Journal of Engineering, FEUP. 2019, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 59-76.
Real-time semi-partitioned scheduling of fork-join tasks using work-stealing CISTER-TR-170803
Cláudio Maia, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel PinhoEURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, Article No 2017:31, Springer International Publishing. 2017, pp 1-14.
Cláudio Maia, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel PinhoEURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, Article No 2017:31, Springer International Publishing. 2017, pp 1-14.
mRPL+: A mobility management framework in RPL/6LoWPAN CISTER-TR-170303
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves, Patrick Meumeu YomsiComputer Communications (COMCOM), Elsevier. 2017, Volume 104, pp 34-54.
Hossein Fotouhi, Daniel Moreira, Mário Alves, Patrick Meumeu YomsiComputer Communications (COMCOM), Elsevier. 2017, Volume 104, pp 34-54.
Worst-Case Communication Delay Analysis for NoC-Based Many-Cores Using a Limited Migrative Model CISTER-TR-160507
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. PettersJournal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), Springer. Jul 2016, Volume 84, Issue 1, pp 25-46.Invited extension of the RTCSA'14 publication, which was shortlisted for the best paper award.
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. PettersJournal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), Springer. Jul 2016, Volume 84, Issue 1, pp 25-46.Invited extension of the RTCSA'14 publication, which was shortlisted for the best paper award.
Energy-aware Task Mapping onto Heterogeneous Platforms Using DVFS and Sleep States CISTER-TR-150720
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Geoffrey Nelissen, Stefan M. PettersReal-Time Systems (RTSJ), Springer. Jul 2016, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp 450-485.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Geoffrey Nelissen, Stefan M. PettersReal-Time Systems (RTSJ), Springer. Jul 2016, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp 450-485.
Online slack consolidation in global-EDF for energy consumption minimisation CISTER-TR-160301
Muhammad Ali Awan, Geoffrey Nelissen, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. PettersJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), ELSEVIER. Feb 2016, Volume 63, pp 1-15.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Geoffrey Nelissen, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. PettersJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), ELSEVIER. Feb 2016, Volume 63, pp 1-15.
Non-preemptive and SRP-based fully-preemptive scheduling of real-time Software Transactional Memory CISTER-TR-151005
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho, Patrick Meumeu YomsiJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier. 26, Nov, 2015, Volume 61, Issue 10, pp 553-566.
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho, Patrick Meumeu YomsiJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier. 26, Nov, 2015, Volume 61, Issue 10, pp 553-566.
P-SOCRATES: A parallel software framework for time-critical many-core systems CISTER-TR-151002
Luis Miguel Pinho, Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Eduardo Quiñones, Marko Bertogna, Paolo Burgio, Andrea Marongiu, Claudio Scordino, Paolo Gai, Michele Ramponi, Michal MardiakMicroprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO), Elsevier. Nov 2015, Volume 39, Issue 8, pp 1190-1203.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Eduardo Quiñones, Marko Bertogna, Paolo Burgio, Andrea Marongiu, Claudio Scordino, Paolo Gai, Michele Ramponi, Michal MardiakMicroprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO), Elsevier. Nov 2015, Volume 39, Issue 8, pp 1190-1203.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
B-TSP: An Advanced Power Safe Management Strategy for modern Multi-core Platforms under Thermal-Aware Design CISTER-TR-230612
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Yilian Ribot, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Puente LamProceedings of the 31st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2023). 8, Jun, 2023. Dortmund, Germany.
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Yilian Ribot, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Puente LamProceedings of the 31st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2023). 8, Jun, 2023. Dortmund, Germany.
A Configuration Framework for Multi-level Preemption Schemes in Time Sensitive Networking CISTER-TR-220606
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luís AlmeidaInternational Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS). 2022, pp 219-229. Paris, France.
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luís AlmeidaInternational Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS). 2022, pp 219-229. Paris, France.
A Thermal-Aware Approach for DVFS-enabled Multi-core Architectures CISTER-TR-221205
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Pavel ZaykovIEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2022). 2022. Chengdu, China.
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Pavel ZaykovIEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2022). 2022. Chengdu, China.
Implementation Cost Comparison of TSN Traffic Control Mechanisms CISTER-TR-210901
Aleksander Pruski, Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Michael Stübert Berger, Luís Almeida26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA, 2021). 10 to 12, Sep, 2021. Vasteras, Sweden.
Aleksander Pruski, Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Michael Stübert Berger, Luís Almeida26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA, 2021). 10 to 12, Sep, 2021. Vasteras, Sweden.
An Efficient Proactive Thermal-Aware Scheduler for DVFS-enabled Single-Core Processors CISTER-TR-210301
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi29th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2021). 7 to 9, Apr, 2021, Session 3: Scheduling and Timing analysis. Online.
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi29th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2021). 7 to 9, Apr, 2021, Session 3: Scheduling and Timing analysis. Online.
EDF scheduling and minimal-overlap shortest-path routing for real-time TSCH networks CISTER-TR-201201
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Patrick Meumeu YomsiSecond Workshop on Next Generation Real-Time Embedded Systems (NG-RES 2021). 20, Jan, 2021, pp 2:1-2:12. Online.Co-located with HiPEAC 2021.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luís Almeida, Pedro Miguel Santos, Patrick Meumeu YomsiSecond Workshop on Next Generation Real-Time Embedded Systems (NG-RES 2021). 20, Jan, 2021, pp 2:1-2:12. Online.Co-located with HiPEAC 2021.
Work-in-Progress: Towards a fine-grain thermal model for uniform multi-core processors CISTER-TR-201004
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 403-406. Online.
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 403-406. Online.
Multi-Level Preemption in TSN: Feasibility and Requirements Analysis CISTER-TR-200310
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Borislav Nikolic23rd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2020). 19 to 21, May, 2020, Distributed computing and communication infrastructures, pp 47-55. Online.
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Borislav Nikolic23rd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2020). 19 to 21, May, 2020, Distributed computing and communication infrastructures, pp 47-55. Online.
Work-in-Progress: Assessing supply/demand-bound based schedulability tests for wireless sensor-actuator networks CISTER-TR-200305
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís AlmeidaWork in Progress Session, 16th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2020). 27 to 29, Apr, 2020, pp 1-4. Online.
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís AlmeidaWork in Progress Session, 16th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2020). 27 to 29, Apr, 2020, pp 1-4. Online.
Thermal-Aware Schedulability Analysis for Fixed-Priority Non-Preemptive Real-Time Systems CISTER-TR-190903
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2019). 18 to 21, Feb, 2020, Real-Time System, pp 154-166. York, United Kingdom.RTSS 2019 originally postponed from December 2019 (Hong-Kong) to February 2020 (York, UK) was cancelled.
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2019). 18 to 21, Feb, 2020, Real-Time System, pp 154-166. York, United Kingdom.RTSS 2019 originally postponed from December 2019 (Hong-Kong) to February 2020 (York, UK) was cancelled.
Routing Heuristics for Load-balanced Transmission in TSN-Based Networks CISTER-TR-190507
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi17th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2019). 9, Jul, 2019. Stuttgart, Germany.RTN 2019 is a satellite workshop of ECRTS 2019.
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi17th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2019). 9, Jul, 2019. Stuttgart, Germany.RTN 2019 is a satellite workshop of ECRTS 2019.
Towards Robust and Cost-Effective Critical Real-Time Systems under Thermal-Aware Design CISTER-TR-190511
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 31st Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2019). 9 to 13, Jul, 2019, pp 13-15. Stuttgart, Germany.https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/WebsitesArchiv/ecrts2019/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ECRTS2019-WIP-proceedings.pdf
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 31st Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2019). 9 to 13, Jul, 2019, pp 13-15. Stuttgart, Germany.https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/WebsitesArchiv/ecrts2019/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ECRTS2019-WIP-proceedings.pdf
FF-DBF-WIN: On the Forced-Forward Demand-Bound Function Analysis for Wireless Industrial Networks CISTER-TR-180508
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018). 3 to 6, Jul, 2018, pp 13-15. Barcelona, Spain.https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/files_ecrts18/ECRTS2018-WiP-proceedings.pdf
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018). 3 to 6, Jul, 2018, pp 13-15. Barcelona, Spain.https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/files_ecrts18/ECRTS2018-WiP-proceedings.pdf
On Multi-Level Preemption in Ethernet CISTER-TR-180509
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Geoffrey NelissenWork in Progress Session, 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018). 3 to 6, Jul, 2018, pp 16-18. Barcelona, Spain.https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/files_ecrts18/ECRTS2018-WiP-proceedings.pdf
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Geoffrey NelissenWork in Progress Session, 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018). 3 to 6, Jul, 2018, pp 16-18. Barcelona, Spain.https://www.ecrts.org/archives/fileadmin/files_ecrts18/ECRTS2018-WiP-proceedings.pdf
The P-SOCRATES timing analysis methodology for parallel real-time applications deployed on many-core platforms CISTER-TR-170505
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017), Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. 27 to 30, Jun, 2017, WCET 2017, pp 10:1-10:9. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017), Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. 27 to 30, Jun, 2017, WCET 2017, pp 10:1-10:9. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The variability of application execution times on a multi-core platform CISTER-TR-160608
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho16th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2016). 5, Jul, 2016. Toulouse, France.WCET was held as part of ECRTS 2016 that took place in Toulouse, France on July 5-8, 2016.
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho16th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2016). 5, Jul, 2016. Toulouse, France.WCET was held as part of ECRTS 2016 that took place in Toulouse, France on July 5-8, 2016.
Response time analysis of hard real-time tasks sharing software transactional memory data under fully partitioned scheduling CISTER-TR-160408
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2016). 23 to 25, May, 2016. Krakow, Poland.
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2016). 23 to 25, May, 2016. Krakow, Poland.
Semi-Partitioned Scheduling of Fork-Join Tasks using Work-Stealing CISTER-TR-151007
Cláudio Maia, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho13th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2015). 21 to 23, Oct, 2015, Session W1-A: Multiprocessing and Multicore Architectures. Porto, Portugal.
Cláudio Maia, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho13th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2015). 21 to 23, Oct, 2015, Session W1-A: Multiprocessing and Multicore Architectures. Porto, Portugal.
Real-time Parallel Applications on Many-core Architectures CISTER-TR-151206
Luis Miguel Pinho, Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu YomsiINForum - Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Portugal.
Luis Miguel Pinho, Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu YomsiINForum - Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Portugal.
Methodologies for the WCET Analysis of Parallel Applications on Many-core Architectures CISTER-TR-150607
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel PinhoThe Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2015). 26 to 28, Aug, 2015. Funchal, Portugal.
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel PinhoThe Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2015). 26 to 28, Aug, 2015. Funchal, Portugal.
Towards Certifiable Multicore-based Platforms for Avionics CISTER-TR-150702
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro SoutoWork in Progress Session, 21st IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Techonology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2015). 13 to 16, Apr, 2015, pp 27-28. Seattle, U.S.A..
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro SoutoWork in Progress Session, 21st IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Techonology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2015). 13 to 16, Apr, 2015, pp 27-28. Seattle, U.S.A..
Towards the Certification of Multicore Platforms in the Avionics Domain CISTER-TR-150716
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro SoutoWork in Progress Session, The 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 27, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Konstantinos Bletsas, Vincent Nélis, Eduardo Tovar, Pedro SoutoWork in Progress Session, The 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 27, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
A system model and stack for the parallelization of time-critical applications on many-core architectures CISTER-TR-141206
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Quiñones, Marko Bertogna, Andrea Marongiu, Paolo Gai, Claudio Scordino3rd Workshop on High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems (HIRES 2015). 21, Jan, 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Quiñones, Marko Bertogna, Andrea Marongiu, Paolo Gai, Claudio Scordino3rd Workshop on High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems (HIRES 2015). 21, Jan, 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Another look at the pWCET estimation problem CISTER-TR-141105
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, Guillem BernatWork in Progress Session, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2014). 2 to 5, Dec, 2014. Rome, Italy.
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, Guillem BernatWork in Progress Session, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2014). 2 to 5, Dec, 2014. Rome, Italy.
The challenge of time-predictability in modern many-core architectures CISTER-TR-140624
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, José Fonseca, Marko Bertogna, Eduardo Quiñones, Roberto Vargas, Andrea Marongiu14th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2014). 8, Jul, 2014. Madrid, Spain.
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, José Fonseca, Marko Bertogna, Eduardo Quiñones, Roberto Vargas, Andrea Marongiu14th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2014). 8, Jul, 2014. Madrid, Spain.
Worst-Case Communication Delay Analysis for Many-Cores using a Limited Migrative Model CISTER-TR-141002
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2014). 2014, Real-Time Systems Track. Chongqing, China.
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2014). 2014, Real-Time Systems Track. Chongqing, China.
Feasibility Intervals for Homogeneous Multicores, Asynchronous Periodic Tasks, and FJP Schedulers CISTER-TR-131005
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Joel Goossens21st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2013), ACM New York. 16 to 18, Oct, 2013, pp 277-286. Sophia Antipolis, France.Best Presentation Award
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Joel Goossens21st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2013), ACM New York. 16 to 18, Oct, 2013, pp 277-286. Sophia Antipolis, France.Best Presentation Award
Optimal Procrastination Interval for Constrained Deadline Sporadic Tasks upon Uniprocessors CISTER-TR-131106
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters21st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2013). 16 to 18, Oct, 2013, pp 129-138. Sophia Antipolis, France.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters21st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2013). 16 to 18, Oct, 2013, pp 129-138. Sophia Antipolis, France.
Worst-Case Memory Traffic Analysis for Many-Cores using a Limited Migrative Model CISTER-TR-130902
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters19th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2013), IEEE. 19 to 21, Aug, 2013, pp 42-51. Taipei, Taiwan.
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters19th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2013), IEEE. 19 to 21, Aug, 2013, pp 42-51. Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
Towards Predictable and Intelligent Real-time IoT Applications CISTER-TR-180409
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu YomsiPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Mubarak Ojewale, Patrick Meumeu YomsiPoster presented in Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, CPS Student Forum Portugal. Porto, Portugal.
Towards the Combination of Work-Stealing and Semi-Partitioned Scheduling for Parallel Tasks CISTER-TR-151103
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel PinhoPoster presented in Work in Progress Session, 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 26, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel PinhoPoster presented in Work in Progress Session, 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 26, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.
Another look at the pWCET estimation problem CISTER-TR-151101
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, Guillem BernatPoster presented in Work in Progress Session, IEEE Real-Time System Symposium, Work-in-progress session, 2014 (RTSS 2014). 2 to 5, Dec, 2014. Roma, Italy.
Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho, Guillem BernatPoster presented in Work in Progress Session, IEEE Real-Time System Symposium, Work-in-progress session, 2014 (RTSS 2014). 2 to 5, Dec, 2014. Roma, Italy.
Energy Efficient Embedded Real-Time Systems CISTER-TR-130611
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. PettersPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. PettersPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
The SENODS Project: Sustainable ENergy-Optimized Datacenters CISTER-TR-140615
Nuno Pereira, João Loureiro, Filipe Pacheco, Ricardo Severino, Bruno Saraiva, Pedro Oliveira, Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Patrick Meumeu YomsiPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Nuno Pereira, João Loureiro, Filipe Pacheco, Ricardo Severino, Bruno Saraiva, Pedro Oliveira, Vikram Gupta, Eduardo Tovar, Patrick Meumeu YomsiPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Technical Reports
On the Extension of Single-core Thermal Models to Multi-core Platforms in Critical Real-Time Domains CISTER-TR-190610
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi2019.
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi2019.
Response time analysis of hard real-time tasks with STM transactions on multi-core platforms CISTER-TR-150501
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho1, May, 2015.
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho1, May, 2015.
Worst-Case Communication Delay Analysis for Many-Cores using a Limited Migrative Model CISTER-TR-140202
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters6, Feb, 2014.
Borislav Nikolic, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters6, Feb, 2014.
Optimal Procrastination Interval upon Uniprocessors CISTER-TR-130608
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters28, Jun, 2013.Technical Report
Muhammad Ali Awan, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Stefan M. Petters28, Jun, 2013.Technical Report