ECSEL JU Grant nr. 662189 ECSEL/0004/2014 (Call H2020-EE-2014-2015) 3 years (May 2015 to Apr 2018) | |
Summary: | The overall concept of MANTIS is to provide a proactive maintenance service platform architecture based on Cyber Physical Systems that allows to estimate future performance, to predict and prevent imminent failures and to schedule proactive maintenance. Maintenance is no longer a necessary evil that costs what it costs, but an important function that creates additional value in the business process as well as new business models with a stronger service orientation. Physical systems (e.g. industrial machines, vehicles, renewable energy assets) and the environment they operate in, are monitored continuously by a broad and diverse range of intelligent sensors, resulting in massive amounts of data that characterise the usage history, operational condition, location, movement and other physical properties of those systems. These systems form part of a larger network of heterogeneous and collaborative systems (e.g. vehicle fleets or photovoltaic and windmill parks) connected via robust communication mechanisms able to operate in challenging environments. MANTIS consists of distributed processing chains that efficiently transform raw data into knowledge while minimising the need for bandwidth. Sophisticated distributed sensing and decision making functions are performed at different levels in a collaborative way, ranging from local nodes to locally optimise performance, bandwidth and maintenance; to cloud-based platforms that integrate information from diverse systems and execute distributed processing and analytics algorithms for global decision making. The research addressed in MANTIS will contribute to companies' assets availability, competitiveness, growth and sustainability. Use cases will be the testing ground for the innovative functionalities of the proactive maintenance service platform architecture and for its future exploitation in the industrial world. Results of MANTIS can be utilised directly in several industry areas and different fields of maintenanance |
Funding: | Global: 60.8MEUR, CISTER: 281KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Luis Lino Ferreira |
Michele Albano and Luis Lino Ferreira delivered the final version of the MANTIS book
Michele Albano and Luis Lino Ferreira delivered the final version of the book “The MANTIS Book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance” to the publisher.
The Book is dedicated to the results achieved on the MANTIS project comprising several chapters on the different aspects of CPS-based maintenance. The book will published by River Publishers and it will be made available by the end of November.
Michele Albano participated in the general assembly of the MANTIS project in Ghent
Michele represented CISTER at the MANTIS general meeting in Ghent (Belgium). MANTIS project is at M33 (month 33) out of 36, and the meeting featured wrapping up work on most deliverables, defining what will be shown at the review meeting, and defining how to attain a couple of pending requirements raised by the Project Officer at last review meeting.
CISTER is the leader of Work Package 3 "Smart sensing and data acquisition technologies". The WP is finishing, the technical work is completed, but a few deliverables are late. Some reorganization was done and agreements were made with Task Leaders and Deliverable contributors and reviewers, to prioritize actions and reschedule work to complete all late documents by end of this month (January 2018, M33).
CISTER also led Work Package 8 "Dissemination of knowledge and exploitation". Apart from discussing how to complete all WP8's deliverables, Michele is the first editor for the book the MANTIS project is writing, and in this way satisfying the dissemination requirements set by the Project Officer. A lot of work was done to finalize the ToC of each chapter of the book, the management structure for the book writing activities, and MANTIS partners have already provided around 120 pages of well-written material to be used. Weekly calls between the partners are now in place for each chapter, and the timeline was refined to allow to complete the book before the end of the project. Agreement with the Publisher ensured that the book will be published and available on most merchant websites before the final review meeting.
CISTER represented the Portuguese sub-consortium, which has built a project pilot "Sheet Metal Bending Machine Monitoring". Michele presented the results of the pilot, and did a demo of the pilot at the open space we had in the meeting. This way, CISTER satisfied Portugal's obligations to reach a Milestone of Work Package 7 "Validation of MANTIS solutions in relevant scenarios", and contributed to defining what will be shown at the final review meeting regarding our pilot.
WFCS program committee co-chaired by CISTER researcher
The IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems series has been around since the advent of Industrial Networking. The 13th edition (WFCS 2017) was hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), in Trondheim, Norway, from May 31 to June 2. As an aside, CISTER held the 3rd edition as the very first conference organized by it in 2000. Seventeen years have passed since then, and CISTER has had the pleasure to host a panoply of other reputed conferences.
CISTER researcher Luis Lino Ferreira acted as Program Co-Chair along with Luca Durante from CNR – IEIIT, Italy. This year's edition had a strong focus on wireless communications, with four different sessions addressing it, from the physical layer to MAC scheduling algorithms. Other sessions addressed the most classical themes in WFCS, wired communication MAC protocols (like CAN), application layer protocols, architectures and scheduling in the light of the new emerging technologies and needs, such as Software Defined Networks. Although, transversal to all sessions, it is now possible to observe that security is of particular concern to all involved in Industrial networking systems (INS) research, and consequently a session addressing those specific topics took place in this year’s edition.
The conference also had two keynotes, respectively by Prof. Jerker Delsing, from the Luleå University of Technology, Sweden who discussed the main problems of integrating IoT application with industrial systems, and Trygve Harvei from ABB, Norway, who highlighted how industries are addressing the new breakthrough paradigms rapidly spreading out all over the INS environment.
The 14th edition of the WFCS conference will be held in Imperia, Italy, a beautiful, historical town overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.
ECSEL/Artemis-IA Spring Event
The ARTEMIS spring event was co-located with the CPS week in Vienna. ARTEMIS/ECSEL is an important avenue for conducting pan-European research with immense potential towards generating IP in industrial domains, a strong focus and strength of Europe.
During the event the Strategic research agenda was released and discussed. Nearly 150 participants came together to also learn about and discuss highlights of Cyber-Physical Systems projects from Horizon2020 and ARTEMIS. ECSEL projects with CISTER involvement, Arrowhead and MANTIS, were also presented. CISTER researchers Raghuraman Rangarajan and Eduardo Tovar participated in this event.
Collaboration between Arrowhead and MANTIS ECSEL projects
The Arrowhead project regards applying a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) of the Factories of the Future. This project is now on its 4th and final year, and one of its main achievements is precisely the Arrowhead Framework for IoT automation applications, where CISTER researchers have been contributing important skills.
CISTER is also deeply involved in the younger (now on its 9th month) ECSEL MANTIS project, which targets proactive maintenance of industrial machines and systems, using an IoT approach.
CISTER researchers are now proactively nurturing the application of the Arrowhead Framework into MANTIS. In the last general meeting of the MANTIS project, that took place last February at Caparica, Portugal, CISTER researchers Michele Albano and Luis Lino Ferreira described and presented the Arrowhead framework and how it could be reused on the MANTIS architecture to allow an efficient design of the interaction between the embedded devices and the clouds (where data from machinery sensors is to be analysed).
CISTER participates in ICT 2015
CISTER Researchers Luis Miguel Pinho, Luis Lino Ferreira and Raghuraman Rangarajan represented the research centre in the ICT 2015 conference. The conference, held in Lisbon, promotes European ICT Research & Innovation and presented the latest news on the European Commission's new policies and initiatives with regard to R&I in ICT and interactive exhibitions on EU projects.
The event offered an exceptional opportunity to build quality partnerships as it connected academia, research institutes, industrial stakeholders, SMEs and government actors from all over Europe. Luis Lino Ferreira also represented the Arrowhead project at its booth and was a speaker in the networking session on "IoT based automation for production", where he represented the MANTIS project.
CISTER Projects progress
CISTER leads the ISEP participation in the European Project MANTIS. ISEP’s participation counts also with solid contributions from GECAD. CISTER’s Luis Lino Ferreira represented ISEP in the MANTIS kick-off meeting that was held in San Sebastian, on the 3rd and 4th of June. The meeting involved several project partners in a very intensive set of work sessions aimed at coordinating the activities. ISEP is part of a Portuguese consortium integrating INESC-TEC, UNINOVA and ADIRA.
The overall concept of MANTIS is to provide a proactive maintenance service platform architecture based on Cyber Physical Systems that allows to estimate future performance, to predict and prevent imminent failures and to schedule proactive maintenance.
In this project CISTER leads two work packages, one related to dissemination and another related to the development and integration of sensors into industrial equipment (development of sensors for maintenance, their communication protocols and middlewares). CISTER will also collaborate with the Portuguese consortium on an industrial pilot.
On May 4-6, Luis Miguel Pinho and Vincent Nelis, from CISTER, attended the second review meeting of P-SOCRATES, organised in Oslo, Norway, within the block review week, organized by the European Commission (CNECT A3) which brought together the “Advanced Computing project cluster”: the group of FP7 projects working in the area of Advanced Computing and financed by the European Commission under ICT Call 10. During the meeting the consortium presented the current status of his work, with the progress and results achieved so far. The overall feedback was that the P-SOCRATES project has successfully met all its objectives in developing individual software/analysis components, the integration of those components being the target for the next milestone next year. The official review report, received last week, provides very positive remarks, both on the technical outcomes of the period, as well as in the proactive and collaborative work of the project partners.
The CarCoDe project reached its completion in June 2015, and the partners of the project organized a final event in Castelo Branco, Portugal to discuss the final results internally, and to disseminate them to the general public. On June 2nd, the CarCoDe consortium held the General Assembly, attended by Michelle Albano from CISTER, which focused on preparing the final reports for the project, and setting up the workshop scheduled for the following day.
The workshop was attended by important actors in the Portuguese and international automotive industry and PAs, such as BMW, Toyota, the European Commission, Airbus, Portugal Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent, the Municipality of Castelo Branco, and Business Association of Beira Baixa. The workshop had media coverage by both the national television SIC, and the magazine Exame Informática.
Edgar M. Silva, Pedro Maló, Michele AlbanoJournal of Green Engineering (JGE), River Publishers. 22, Nov, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 229-256.
Michele Albano, Pankaj Sharma, Jaime Campos, Erkki JantunenMaintenance, Performance, Measurement and Management (MPMM 2018). 21 to 23, Jun, 2018, pp 10-17. Coimbra, Portugal.
Rafael Rocha, Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Flávio Relvas, Luisa Matos14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2018). 13 to 15, Jun, 2018. Imperia, Italy.
Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Giovanni di Orio, Pedro Maló, Godfried Webers, Erkki Jantunen, Iosu Gabilondok, Mikel Viguera, Gregor Papa, Franc Novak5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018, Special Session 4 - Cyber Physical System (CPS) based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance, pp 569-574. Thessalonoki, Greece.
Erkki Jantunen, Giovanni di Orio, Csaba Hegedus, Pal Varga, Istvan Moldovan, Felix Larrinaga, Matthias Becker, Michele Albano, Pedro MalóInteroperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications (I-ESA 2018). 22 to 23, Mar, 2018, pp 67-78. Berlin, Germany.
Erkki Jantunen, Urko Zurutuza, Michele Albano, Giovanni di Orio, Pedro Maló, Csaba Hegedus30th Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2017). 10 to 13, Jul, 2017, pp 448-456. Preston, United Kingdom.
Michele Albano, Paulo Barbosa, José Silva, Roberto Duarte, Luis Lino Ferreira, Jerker Delsing13th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2017). 31, May to 2, Jun, 2017. Trondheim, Norway.
Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, José Silva, Diogo Martinho, Goreti Marreiros, Giovanni di Orio, Pedro Maló, Hugo Ferreira13th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2017). 31, May to 2, Jun, 2017. Trondheim, Norway.
Michele Albano, Luis Lino FerreiraINForum Simpósio de Informática 2016 (INForum 2016). 8 to 9, Sep, 2016. Lisbon, Portugal.
Edgar M. Silva, Pedro Maló, Michele AlbanoEuropean Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2016). 27 to 30, Jun, 2016. Athens, Greece.
Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, José SousaWork in Progress Session, 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2016). 3 to 6, May, 2016. Aveiro, Portugal.
Erkki Jantunen, Urko Zurutuza, Luis Lino Ferreira, Pal VargaCyber Physical Systems Week 2016 (CPS Week 2016 Vienna). 11, Apr, 2016, 3rd International IFIP Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC’16),. Vienna, Austria.The 3rd International IFIP Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC’ 16) was held as part of CPS Week 2016 that took place in Vienna, Austria on April 11-14, 2016.
Michele Albano, Ricardo Garibay-Martínez, Luis Lino FerreiraINForum - Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Covilhã, Portugal.
Michele Albano, José Silva, Luis Lino FerreiraDemo in 22º Seminário da Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis (RTCM 2017). 18, Jan, 2017, Session III. Lisboa.