Kai Li (Publications)

Kai Li (Publications)

PhD University of New South Wales, Australia
Integrated PhD Researcher

Kai Li received the B.E. degree from Shandong University, China, in 2009, the M.S. degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, in 2014. He is a Senior Research Scientist with the CISTER Research Unit at ISEP/IPP, and a CMU-Portugal Research Fellow, jointly supported by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal. 


From 2023 to 2024, Dr. Li was a Visiting Research Scientist with the Division of Electrical Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK. In 2022, he was a Visiting Research Scholar with the CyLab Security and Privacy Institute at CMU. Prior to this, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, from 2014 to 2016. He has also held positions as a Visiting Research Assistant with the ICT Centre, CSIRO, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, from 2012 to 2013, and a Research Assistant with the Mobile Technologies Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, from 2010 to 2011. He has been an Associate Editor for the Internet of Things journal (Elsevier) since 2024, the Nature Computer Science journal (Springer) since 2023, the Computer Communications journal (Elsevier) and Ad Hoc Networks journal (Elsevier) since 2021, and IEEE ACCESS journal from 2018 to 2024. Dr. Li is an IEEE Senior Member, ACM member, and a member of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and IEEE Communications Society.

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Books & Book Chapters
Human Sensing Network Architecture and Challenges in Smart Cities CISTER-TR-180111 
Tanmay Chaturvedi, Kai LiChapter in "Smart Cities: Technologies, Challenges and Future Prospects", Nova Science. 13, Sep, 2017, pp 117-140.Chapter 4. Human Sensing Network Architecture and Challenges in Smart Cities
Journal Papers
Adaptive Network Function Chain Orchestration Strategy For 6G Inclusive Intelligent Services CISTER-TR-250101 
Yi Wen, Sai Zou, Yanglong Sun, Wei Ni, Kai Li, Hongfeng GaoIEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN) (TCCN), IEEE. 2025.
A Novel Framework of Horizontal-Vertical Hybrid Federated Learning for EdgeIoT CISTER-TR-250202 
Kai Li, Yilei Liang, Xin Yuan, Wei Ni, Jon Crowcroft, Chau Yuen, Ozgur B. AkanIEEE Networking Letters (LNET) (LNET), IEEE. 2025.
Fusion Flow-enhanced Graph Pooling Residual Networks for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Surveillance in Day and Night Dual Visions CISTER-TR-240701 
Alam Noor, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Pei Zhang, Bo WeiEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI), Elsevier. 18, Jul, 2024, Volume 136, Issue 108959.
Leverage Variational Graph Representation for Model Poisoning on Federated Learning CISTER-TR-240507 
Kai Li, Xin Yuan, Jingjing Zheng, Wei Ni, Falko Dressler, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS) (TNNLS), IEEE. 3, May, 2024.
Feature selection based on dataset variance optimization using Hybrid Sine Cosine – Firehawk Algorithm (HSCFHA) CISTER-TR-240203 
Syed Kumayl Raza Moosavi, Ahsan Saadat, Zainab Abaid, Wei Ni, Kai Li, Mohsen GuizaniFuture Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) (FGCS), Elsevier. 19, Feb, 2024, Volume 155, pp 272-286.
Data-Agnostic Model Poisoning against Federated Learning: A Graph Autoencoder Approach CISTER-TR-240201 
Kai Li, Jingjing Zheng, Xin Yuan, Wei Ni, Ozgur B. Akan, H. Vincent PoorIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) (TIFS), IEEE. 2024.
DRL-KeyAgree: An Intelligent Combinatorial Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Vehicular Platooning Secret Key Generation CISTER-TR-240508 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Alípio Mario Jorge, Wei Ni, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), IEEE. 2024.
Biasing Federated Learning with A New Adversarial Graph Attention Network CISTER-TR-241101 
Kai Li, Jingjing Zheng, Wei Ni, Hailong Huang, Pietro Lio, Falko Dressler, Ozgur B. AkanIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) (TMC), IEEE. 2024.
SolarKey: Battery-free Key Generation Using Solar Cells CISTER-TR-230601 
Bo Wei, WEITAO XU, Mingcen Gao, Guohao Lan, Kai Li, CHENGWEN LUO, JIN ZHANGACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) (TOSN), ACM. 2023.
Towards Ubiquitous Semantic Metaverse: Challenges, Approaches, and Opportunities CISTER-TR-230801 
Kai Li, Billy Pik Lik Lau, Xin Yuan, Wei Ni, Mohsen Guizani, Chau YuenIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ) (IoTJ), IEEE. 2023.
Machine Learning-Aided Operations and Communications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Contemporary Survey CISTER-TR-230901 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Wei NiIEEE communication surveys and tutorials (IEEE COMST), IEEE. 2023.
Detection and Mitigation of Position Spoofing Attacks on Cooperative UAV Swarm Formations CISTER-TR-231201 
Siguo Bi, Kai Li, Shuyan Hu, Wei Ni, Cong Wang, Xin WangIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) (TIFS), IEEE. 2023.
Deep-Graph-Based Reinforcement Learning for Joint Cruise Control and Task Offloading for Aerial Edge Internet of Things (EdgeIoT) CISTER-TR-230704 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Xin Yuan, Alam Noor, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ) (IoTJ), Article No 21, IEEE. 10, Jun, 2022, Volume 9, pp 21676-21686.
Employing Intelligent Aerial Data Aggregators for Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions CISTER-TR-220401 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Alam Noor, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Internet of Things Magazine (IoTM), IEEE. 2022.
Data-driven Flight Control of Internet-of-Drones for Sensor Data Aggregation using Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning CISTER-TR-220502 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Yousef Emami, Falko DresslerIEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (WCM) (WCM), IEEE. 2022.This work was supported in part by the National Funds through FCT/MCTES (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), within the CISTER Research Unit under Grant UIDP/UIDB/04234/2020, and in part by the National Funds through FCT, under CMU Portugal Partnership under Project CMU/TIC/0022/2019 (CRUAV).
Exploring Deep Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Federated Learning for Online Resource Allocation in Privacy-Preserving EdgeIoT CISTER-TR-220503 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani, Naram MhaisenIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), IEEE. 2022.
Deep Graph-based Reinforcement Learning for Joint Cruise Control and Task Offloading for Aerial Edge Internet-of-Things (EdgeIoT) CISTER-TR-220602 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Xin Yuan, Alam Noor, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), IEEE. 2022.
Robust Transmission Scheduling for UAV-assisted Millimeter-Wave Train-Ground Communication System CISTER-TR-220701 
Yunhan Ma, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Kai Li, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning WangIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) (TVT), IEEE. 2022.
When Internet of Things meets Metaverse: Convergence of Physical and Cyber Worlds CISTER-TR-221203 
Kai Li, Yingping Cui, Weicai Li, Tiejun Lv, Xin Yuan, Shenghong Li, Wei Ni, Meryem Simsek, Falko DresslerIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ) (IoTJ), IEEE. 2022.
LSTM-characterized Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Flight Control and Resource Allocation in UAV-assisted Sensor Network CISTER-TR-210802 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Falko DresslerIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), IEEE. 5, Aug, 2021.
Online Velocity Control and Data Capture of Drones for the Internet-of-Things: An Onboard Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-201106 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE. Mar 2021, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 49-56.
BloothAir: A Secure Aerial Relay System Using Bluetooth Connected Autonomous Drones CISTER-TR-210202 
Kai Li, Ning Lu, Jingjing Zheng, Pei Zhang, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), ACM. 9, Feb, 2021.In press.
Continuous Maneuver Control and Data Capture Scheduling of Autonomous Drone in Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-210101 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Falko DresslerIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), IEEE. 5, Jan, 2021.Early Access
Confidentiality and Timeliness of Data Dissemination in Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-210402 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Jingjing Zheng, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Network (NET-M), IEEE. 2021.In press
No Need of Data Pre-processing: A General Framework for Radio-Based Device-Free Context Awareness CISTER-TR-210505 
Bo Wei, Kai Li, CHENGWEN LUO, WEITAO XU, JIN ZHANG, KUAN ZHANGACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT), ACM. 2021.In press.
Joint Communication Scheduling and Velocity Control in Multi-UAV-Assisted Sensor Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-210903 
Yousef Emami, Bo Wei, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology (TVT), IEEE. 2021.
Onboard Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients for Online Flight Resource Allocation of UAVs CISTER-TR-200602 
Kai Li, Yousef Emami, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Zhu HanIEEE Networking Letters, IEEE. 1, Sep, 2020, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 106-110.
Joint Flight Cruise Control and Data Collection in UAV-aided Internet of Things: An Onboard Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-200901 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 24, Aug, 2020.Early Access Article
Onboard Double Q-learning for Airborne Data Capture in Wireless Powered IoT Networks CISTER-TR-200402 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarIEEE Networking Letters, IEEE. 21, Apr, 2020, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 71-75.
Optimal Rate-Adaptive Data Dissemination in Vehicular Platoons CISTER-TR-190909 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE. 2020, Volume 21, Issue 10, pp 4241-4251.
Design and Implementation of Secret Key Agreement for Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems CISTER-TR-191103 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Yousef Emami, Yiran Shen, Ricardo Severino, David Pereira, Eduardo TovarACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Article No 22, ACM. 22, Nov, 2019, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 22:1-22:20.
Secret Key Agreement for Data Dissemination in Vehicular Platoons CISTER-TR-190703 
Kai Li, Lingyun Lu, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE. 2, Jul, 2019, Volume 68, Issue 9, pp 9060-9073.
Eavesdropping and Jamming Selection Policy for Suspicious UAVs Based on Low Power Consumption over Fading Channels CISTER-TR-190302 
Xiaoming Wang, Demin Li, Chang Guo, Xiaolu Zhang, Salil S. Kanhere, Kai Li, Eduardo TovarSensors, Article No 1126, MDPI. 5, Mar, 2019, Volume 19, Issue 5, pp 1-18.This article belongs to the Special Issue Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks: Protocols, Architectures and Solutions.
Energy Efficient Legitimate Wireless Surveillance of UAV Communications CISTER-TR-190103 
Kai Li, Razvan Christian Voicu, Salil S. Kanhere, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), IEEE. 4, Jan, 2019, Volume 68, Issue 3, pp 2283-2293.
Reinforcement Learning for Scheduling Wireless Powered Sensor Communications CISTER-TR-181116 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Mehran Abolhasan, Eduardo TovarIEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IEEE. 2019, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 264-274.
An Experimental Study for Tracking Crowd in Smart Cities CISTER-TR-181201 
Kai Li, Chau Yuen, Salil S. Kanhere, Kun Hu, Wei Zhang, Fan Jiang, Xiang LiuIEEE Systems Journal. 2019, Volume 13, Issue 3, pp 2966-2977.
Fair Scheduling for Data Collection in Mobile Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting CISTER-TR-180902 
Kai Li, Chau Yuen, Branislav Kusy, Raja Jurdak, Aleksandar Ignjatovic, Salil S. Kanhere, Sanjay JhaIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE. 2019, Volume 18, Issue 6, pp 1274-1287.
On-board Deep Q-Network for UAV-assisted Online Power Transfer and Data Collection CISTER-TR-191003 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE. 2019, Volume 68, Issue 12, pp 12215-12226.
Fog Computing-Assisted Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for High-Mobility MIMO-OFDMA Networks CISTER-TR-180703 
Lingyun Lu, Tian Wang, Wei Ni, Kai Li, Bo GaoWireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Article No 5296406, Hindawi. 2018, Volume 2018, pp 1-8.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Poisoning Federated Learning with Graph Neural Networks in Internet of Drones CISTER-TR-240501 
Kai Li, Alam Noor, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Xiaoming Fu, Ozgur B. AkanIEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2024) (ICCCN). 29 to 31, Jul, 2024, Track 7: Security, Privacy, and Trust. Big Island, Hawaii, U.S.A..
Exploring LSTM-assisted A2C For Physical Layer Security in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-240402 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Na Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniThe 20th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2024) (IWCMC). 27 to 31, May, 2024, AI for Autonomous Unmanned Systems Symposium (AAUSS). Ayia Napa, Cyprus.
Detecting Poisoning Attacks on Federated Learning Using Gradient-Weighted Class Activation Mapping CISTER-TR-240302 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Xin Yuan, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarThe Web Conference 2024 (TheWebConf (WWW 2024) 2024). 13 to 17, May, 2024. Singapore, Singapore.
Exploring Graph Neural Networks for Joint Cruise Control and Task Offloading in UAV-enabled Mobile Edge Computing CISTER-TR-230403 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Xin Yuan, Alam Noor, Abbas JamalipourIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2023-Spring (VTC2023-Spring). 20 to 23, Jun, 2023, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications, Vehicular Networks, and Telematics. Florence, Italy.
Exploring Adversarial Graph Autoencoders to Manipulate Federated Learning in The Internet of Things CISTER-TR-230301 
Kai Li, Xin Yuan, Jingjing Zheng, Wei Ni, Mohsen GuizaniInternational Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) (IWCMC). 19 to 23, Jun, 2023, IoT & Wireless Sensors. Marrakesh, Morocco.Kai Li is a chair of AI FOR AUTONMOUS UNMANNED SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM (AAUSS).
MAPPO-Based Cooperative UAV Trajectory Design with Long-Range Emergency Communications in Disaster Areas CISTER-TR-230401 
Yue Guan, Sai Zou, Bochun Wu, Kai Li, Wei NiThe 24th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) (WoWMoM 2023). 12 to 15, Jun, 2023, The 1st IEEE Workshop on Wireless outdoor, Long-Range and Low-Power Networks (WOLOLO). Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A..Kai Li is also an organizing committee member for The 1st IEEE Workshop on Wireless outdoor, Long-Range and Low-Power Networks (WOLOLO).
An Experimental Study of Two-way Ranging Optimization in UWB-based Simultaneous Localization and Wall-Mapping Systems CISTER-TR-220302 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Bo Wei, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) (IWCMC). 30, May to 3, Jun, 2022, IoT & Wireless Sensors. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Data-driven Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Flight Resource Allocation in UAV-aided Wireless Powered Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-220102 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Harrison Kurunathan, Falko DresslerIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). 16 to 20, May, 2022, SAC - Aerial Communications Track. Seoul, South Korea.
i2Key: A Cross-sensor Symmetric Key Generation System using Inertial Measurements and Inaudible Sound CISTER-TR-220203 
Bo Wei, WEITAO XU, Kai Li, CHENGWEN LUO, JIN ZHANGThe International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) (IPSN). 4 to 6, May, 2022. MILAN, Italy.
Federated Learning for Online Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach CISTER-TR-221201 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani, Naram MhaisenIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC2023). 2022. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Persistent Cruise Control in UAV-aided Data Collection CISTER-TR-211008 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Falko DresslerThe IEEE Local Computer Networks conference (LCN). 4, Oct, 2021. Edmonton, Canada.
Deep Q-Networks for Aerial Data Collection in Multi-UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks CISTER-TR-210304 
Yousef Emami, Bo Wei, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar17th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2021). 28, Jun to 2, Jul, 2021. Harbin, China.
Federated Learning for Energy-balanced Client Selection in Mobile Edge Computing CISTER-TR-210305 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani17th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2021). 28, Jun to 2, Jul, 2021. Harbin, China.Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani
A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for UAVs Detection in Day and Night Dual Visions CISTER-TR-211103 
Alam Noor, Kai Li, Adel Ammar, Anis Koubâa, Bilel Benjdira, Eduardo TovarThe Third IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI). 2021, Intelligent CPS. Pittsburgh, U.S.A..
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Trajectory Planning in UAV Networks CISTER-TR-200401 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani16th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2020). 15 to 19, Jun, 2020, pp 958-963. Online.
Deep Q-Learning based Resource Management in UAV-assisted Wireless Powered IoT Networks CISTER-TR-200201 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Abbas JamalipourIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2020). 7 to 11, Jun, 2020, pp 1-6. Online.
Buffer-Aware Scheduling for UAV Relay Networks with Energy Fairness CISTER-TR-200202 
Yousef Emami, Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring). 25 to 28, May, 2020, pp 1-5. Online.
Proactive Eavesdropping via Jamming for Trajectory Tracking of UAVs CISTER-TR-190404 
Kai Li, Salil S. Kanhere, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2019). 24 to 28, Jun, 2019, Vehicular Communications Symposium, pp 477-482. Tangier, Morocco.
Cooperative Secret Key Generation for Platoon-based Vehicular Communications CISTER-TR-190206 
Kai Li, Lingyun Luy, Wei Niz, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani53rd IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019). 20 to 24, May, 2019. Shangai, China.
HydraDoctor: Real-time Liquids Intake Monitoring by Collaborative Sensing CISTER-TR-190101 
Bowen Du, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, Xuan Kan, Kai Wu, Man Luo, Jianfeng Hou, Kai Li, Salil S. Kanhere, Yiran Shen, Hongkai Wen20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2019). 4 to 7, Jan, 2019, Networking Track, pp 213-217. Bangalore, India.
Using Coalition Games for QoS Aware Scheduling in mmWave WPANs CISTER-TR-180506 
Yali Chen, Yong Niu, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, Dapeng Wu, Kai LiIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2018-Spring). 3 to 6, Jun, 2018, Recent Results. Porto, Portugal.
LCD: Low Latency Command Dissemination for A Platoon of Vehicles CISTER-TR-180109 
Kai Li, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen GuizaniIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018). 20 to 24, May, 2018, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium. Kansas, U.S.A..
PELE: Power Efficient Legitimate Eavesdropping via Jamming in UAV Communications CISTER-TR-170404 
Xiaoming Wang, Kai Li, Salil S. Kanhere, Demin Li, Xiaolu Zhang, Eduardo Tovar13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017). 26 to 30, Jun, 2017, Vehicular Communications Symposium, pp 402-408. Valencia, Spain.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
A Practical Secret Key Management for Multihop Drone Relay Systems based on Bluetooth Low Energy CISTER-TR-210601 
Kai Li, Ning Lu, Jingjing Zheng, Pei Zhang, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarDemo in International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON). 6 to 9, Jul, 2021, Demo. Virtual conference.
Exploring Visual Explanations for Defending Federated Learning against Poisoning Attacks CISTER-TR-240902 
Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Xin Yuan, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in The 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2024). 2024. Washington, D.C., U.S.A..
An Experimental Localization Testbed based on UWB Channel Impulse Response Measurements CISTER-TR-220204 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Pei ZhangPoster presented in The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) (IPSN). 4 to 6, May, 2022, Poster session. MILAN, Italy.
Multi-Drone Assisted Internet of Things Testbed Based on Bluetooth 5 Communications CISTER-TR-200205 
Kai Li, Ning Lu, Pei Zhang, Wei Ni, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2020). 21 to 24, Apr, 2020. Online.
Poster Abstract: Privacy-preserving Control Message Dissemination for PVCPS CISTER-TR-190203 
Kai Li, Yousef Emami, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACT Additional Files: PDFPoster
Poster presented in 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2019). 16 to 18, Apr, 2019. Montreal, Canada.
Cooperative Key Generation For Data Dissemination in Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-180207 
Kai Li, Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Eduardo Tovar
ABSTRACT Additional Files: PDFPoster
Poster presented in Work in Progress Session, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2018). 10 to 13, Apr, 2018. Porto, Portugal.Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-5301-2
Technical Reports
Machine Learning-Aided Operations and Communications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Contemporary Survey CISTER-TR-220802 
Harrison Kurunathan, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Ekram Hossein, Hailong Huanh2022.
On-board Deep Q-Network for UAV-assisted Online Power Transfer and Data Collection CISTER-TR-190601 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar2, Jun, 2019.
Energy Efficient Legitimate Wireless Surveillance of UAV Communications CISTER-TR-180802 
Kai Li, Razvan Christian Voicu, Salil S. Kanhere, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar2018.
Channel Estimation in Vehicular Platoons CISTER-TR-180903 
Kai Li2018.
Design and Implementation of Secret Key Agreement for Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-181013 
Kai Li, Wei Ni, Yousef Emami, Yiran Shen, Ricardo Severino, David Pereira, Eduardo Tovar2018.